V-(으)ㄹ까요 · fiil-(으)ㄹ까요

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meaning and usage of V-(으)ㄹ까요

If the subject of the sentence is ‘우리(we)’, it is used the speaker wants either to suggest doing something together with the listener or to ask about the listener’s preference regarding something. It corresponds to ‘Shall we ~ ?’ or ‘Why don’t we ~ ?’

And It is used when the speaker wants to make a suggestion to the listener or to ask the listener for his or her opinion. It corresponds to ‘Shall I ~ ?’ or ‘Do you want me to ~ ?’

Let’s see example sentences.

내일 같이 영화를 볼까요? (Shall we watch a movie together tomorrow?)

In this sentence, the grammar 을까요 was used to suggest doing something together with the listener, the subject of the sentence ‘우리’ was omitted.’

네, 좋아요. (Yes, good.)

Let’s read other example sentences once.

저녁에 같이 공원을 산책할까요? (Shall we take a walk in the park together in the evening?)

미안해요, 오늘은 제가 바빠요. (Sorry, I’m busy today.)

차 한 잔 할까요? (Shall we have a cup of tea?)

바다 보러 갈까요? (Shall we go see the sea?)

창문을 열까요? (Shall I open the window?) In this sentence, the speaker wants to ask the listener’s opinion.

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V-(으)ㄹ래요 vs V-(으)ㄹ까요

Now, let’s compare V-(으)ㄹ래요 and V-(으)ㄹ까요.

We can use both grammars when we ask about the listener’s preference or intention and when we suggest doing something together with the listener. Then, What’s the difference?

For V-(으)ㄹ래요? in the case of interrogative forms, the subject of the sentence is the second person, since it is used when asking the listener.

The first person can’t be used for the subject, but ‘우리’(we) is possible.

우리 한국 영화를 볼래요? (Shall we watch a Korean movie?) 우리 can be used for the subject with this grammar.


제가 내일 아침에 전화할래요? (X) The first person ‘저(I)’ can’t be used for the subject of the sentence.

제니 씨가 회사 앞으로 올래요? (Jenny, will you come to the company?)

This sentence is possible when we ask Jenny.

For V-(으)ㄹ까요? The subjects in the first person can be used. But the third person can’t be used.

우리 한국 영화를 볼까요? (Shall we watch a Korean movie?)

제가 내일 아침에 전화할까요? (Shall I call you tomorrow morning?)

제니 씨가 회사 앞으로 올까요? (Do you think Jenny will come to the company?)

If V-(으)ㄹ까요? is used with a subject in the third person, then it would be a different grammar.

So, it doesn’t have the meaning of ‘suggestion’, has the meaning of ‘supposition’.

In other words, ‘V-(으)ㄹ까요?’ can be used when we ask the listener’s opinion about the speaker’s behaviour. Contrary to this, in ‘V-(으)ㄹ래요?’, the speaker is not the subject of the action.

We ask questions about what the listeners will do in the future. So, the first person ‘저, (I)’ can not be the subject of the sentence.

V-(으)ㄹ래요 can be used for the declarative form.

In this case, only subjects in the first person can be used to express the speaker’s will or intention. We already saw the first sentence in the previous paragraph. So, let’s see the next,

저는 커피를 마실래요. (I will have coffee to drink.)

제가 내일 아침에 전화할래요. (I will call you tomorrow morning.)

On the other hand, V-(으)ㄹ까요 can be used only for the interrogative form.

Let’s see the last 2 sentences,

저는 커피를 마실까요. (X)

제가 내일 아침에 전화할까요. (X)

This grammar can’t be used for the declarative form, so these 2 sentences are not possible.

V-(으)ㄹ래요 is mostly used in informal colloquial speech. So, it is cannot be used to someone who is elders or superior to the speaker. If you want to use this grammar to superior, we need to use with -(으)시- to honour the subject. We can’t say, 선생님, 몇 시쯤 갈래요?

But 선생님, 몇 시쯤 가실래요? (Teacher, what time do you want to go?) It is possible.

We can use V-(으)ㄹ까요? to elders or superiors.

할머니, 몇 시쯤 갈까요? (Grandma, what time shall we go?)

부장님, 몇 시쯤 가실까요? (Boss, what time shall we go?)

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