5~ Pawn

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Rohan pov

In the dim-lit confines of my office, the weight of my mother's revelation hung heavy upon my heart. Two days had passed since she had informed me of my grandfather's ultimatum: I must marry before my 31st birthday, or our vast 1000 crore property would be forfeited to charity.
'You must marry Tia,' she had declared, her voice heavy with a mix of determination and resignation. 'It's your grandfather's dying wish. If you don't, our family's fortune will be lost to charity.
I had thought with this decision countless times, my thoughts churning like a relentless whirlpool. 
Tia's invitation to meet weighed heavily on my mind. She was a kind and gentle soul, undeserving of being dragged into this matrimonial chess game.I didn't want to burden her with my uncertain destiny. I had mulled over the implications countless times, my thoughts spiraling into a void of despair.
As I sat lost in contemplation, a familiar voice interrupted my reverie. 'Rohan?'

my thoughts was shattered by the unexpected arrival of my aunt, Sunita. Her icy exterior and thinly veiled contempt had always been a source of discomfort for me. Now, with a venomous smile, she inquired about my well-being, her words dripping with sarcasm.

'How are you, dear nephew?' she drawled. 'I hear you're turning thirty-one soon. What grand plans do you have for your future? Perhaps a career as a low-level employee at some insignificant company?'
I knew she was aware of my grandfather's will, a secret I had only recently learned. There was another clause: if I failed to marry before my 31st birthday, any married relative could claim our property. I suspected my aunt's presence was a thinly veiled attempt to capitalize on this loophole.

'Why are you here?' I demanded.

Her lips curled into a cruel smile. 'To witness your inevitable downfall. In a week's time, you'll be rendered homeless, destitute. A charity case.
Her words cut like a knife, reminding me of my impending fate. I had always felt like an outsider in this family, and Sunita's visit confirmed my suspicions. I was nothing more than a pawn in their game, a means to secure their inheritance.
Before I could respond, my mother entered the room, her face set in a steely resolve. 'In your dreams, Sunita,' she declared. 'By the end of the week, you'll be meeting my future daughter-in-law, Tia.'

Sunita scoffed. 'He's a worthless nobody. Who would ever marry someone who doesn't even know who his own parents are?'

My mother's voice was unwavering. 'That's not your concern.'

With a venomous glare, Sunita stormed out of the office. I turned to my mother, a mix of emotions swirling within me. 'Why did you tell her that?' I protested. 'I'm still not sure if I want to marry Tia.'

My mother's eyes held a steely determination. 'You will marry her, Rohan. That's the end of the discussion. In one week's time, you two will be husband and wife.'

I had no words. My love for my mother was immense, but I couldn't shake the feeling that she was making a grave mistake.
"Rohan,' my mother said, 'I've spoken to Tia. She's agreed to marry you.'

'What?!' I exclaimed. 'But I haven't even told her about the will!'

I couldn't believe it. My mother was forcing me to marry a woman against my will, condemning me to a life of misery. With a heavy heart, I sent Tia a message, arranging to meet her at the café. I had to talk to her.

Hello everyone
How are you guys
Sorry for late update
Actually I am sick Right now
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Tia ~The unwanted bride जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें