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It was like the very first time
I watched you on your own
walking on your own two feet
without me

And when your lips tried to mumble
A sentence to speak
I heard my name
A melody like a song
washed away by the generations
that separated us forever

Your smile brightened more than days
Your eyes cloudy
but so full of life
It was like looking in a mirror
only one-sided however,
because you'll never remember me
the way I'll remember you

As the days pass by,
so does your memory
I hold your hands, trembling
Watching your youth fade away
and returning to me

I tuck you into bed
like you've done for me before
but I've grown older
and you've grown more
but I watch as your eyes close
a child stuck in a body
aching and reeking of old

One day
My children will do the same
but I hope I'll remember them
like you try your best to

My heart is yours
My love is you.

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