Chapter 29

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Something didn't feel right; I just had a feeling. I wanted to turn around and go get Ashley, but I forced myself to continue two was.

I walked into the lounge, finding the baroness and my mom sitting next to each other a couch

"take a seat sapphire, i think it is time we have a talk"  the bareoness instructed 

I sat down on the couch across from them. Even if this was one of the nicest couches I have ever say on, I couldn't get comfortable. 

My mom started " well, we just wanted to say that, we know everything and that we want to come clean" 

I tensed up in confusion. 

"what kirstina means to say is that, I know who you are, I have known this whole time" 

"know who I am watch does that even mean, I am a noboy" I questioned why does everything that i am some important person. 

"Believe it or not you are very important to some very dangerous people" the baroness responded. 

"but what we didn't know was how important; that is why we had this trip to find out just what was happening," my mother continued 

"Wait, why can't I do anything?" I cried out. Why can't they leave me alone, they already took everything

my mom gave me a sorrowful expression. Clearly understanding

"I think we should start at the beginning. Sapphire, I want you to meet Catherine; she went to high school with me and your father,"  she said, gesturing to the baroness

"You knew my father?" I questioned 

she nodded "he was my best friend, just like your mom, growing up we had this unstoppable trio,  even after your mom and dad got married, they never made me feel like a third wheel, always making me feel included until I eventually found my own husband henry, which your father and my husband hit it off immediately both interest in human engineering"  

"hold Henry, was your husband?" I know exactly who he is. 

"yes how do you henry" The baroness asked 

"Dad used to talk about him all the time to me when I was younger, always going on about how amazing he was; I never actually met him."  

"oh well, it's probably for the better," she gave me a half smile.

"anyways, Henry and your father were extremely successful, creating solutions that no one even dreamed of doing; the only problem was they were extremely secretive" 

"extremely secretive," my mother added before she continued, "I didn't even know what they were doing I always figured they were doing something, I knew it was going to be revolutionary because of the amount of time they spent together, until about that was about 20 when your father came to me, now keep in mind I was 2 days pregnant with you, you barely existed for 2 days  he came to me saying that he and Henry figured it out and that they needed a test subject and ask me to take something , and of course I said yes he told me I was completely safe, so I took shot of this reddish system, called R.O.M.K, it wasn't until after you were born that I found out what R.O.M.K truly was. your father became extretmly paranoid, always making sure we were safe scared of something, and of course nothing happen for 16 years in fact everythignw as perfect 4 kids money  but I think the parnooy got to him, becasue about a month before they took you guys then, Henry visited me, shocked me becasue I have seen him in over 10 years. He said something about missing your father"

she cleared her through then conuied 

"anyways a about 3 weeks later your dad died, it looked like a suicide but I knew it wasn't because, he told me 3 days before he died, that if he did die in the next few day then it wasnt a accident and he didnt do it." 

"so what does this half to do with me" i interupted. 

I didnt mean to saound so angry but talking about my dad was still ahrd for me. 

my mom and the baroness gave each otehr a look befor ethe baroness decided to answer 

to sum it up, R.O.M.K stand for revoulutiony of man kind, basically your mom didnt give herself the shot she gave you the shot when you were still being devopleing inside her. After you were born, your father must have realized something becasue he destryoed everything, he blew up the lab the syrem was made in, ruinign everything, the instrution the ingreiednt the notes be hind it, making it to where the syrem could never be recreated. Any ways before the killded your father, they forced him to tell them what he knew and he did, which is why they wanted you. They kno you have sort of abilites. 

My mom took back over explaining. 

Henry came to me, threating me, telling me he owe millions of dollers due to your father. 

The deal was jsut supposed to be you in exchange for no debt and a safe place to live, he promised he wouldnt hurt you, but then he took all you guys, forcing me to help. 

she broke down crying. 

"please forgive me, I didnt know, I am so sorry." she said in between cries 

I just stood there, there was so much information going to through my head, I didnt even know where or how to start processing. 

"wait so why are you telling me this now, why not sooner" 

agian they shared a look silently communicating. 

"we had to make sure some things were true" the baroness replied. 

My mom nudeged her and pionted at me. 

the baroness took a deep breath, "there is few more things you need to know" 

she took another deep breath, why was she so nervous what could be worse then what they just said, I am confused 

"i am or was a sponsor, of the project" 

My face showed connfusion 

"project, what project"

she sighed, "they porject ebing you, I helped them kidnapped you" 

The colored drained from my face, i wanted to get up and bitch slap her, she help caused this, this was her fault. 

I took 5 deep breaths, my body straining. 

"I am sorry, I am just like your mom, I didn't know, the plan was to to some test on you, not torture you, a simple test, then go from there, I promise I would never hurt you, You basically my niece, soon to be mother and law if you and Ashely keep up with everything, I was just told to get Kristina to agree, I truly had no idea. I never helped do anything like that before. I always just sponsored money, they told it was to help people get smarter, I had no idea what it was truly like" 

I took a few deep breaths, calming down a bit. 

"look this whole thing is dumb, and I don't know why your telling me this with no solution, but I am glad you told me everything, so do we know their next move" 

They both shrugged. and I groaned. 

"Its fine let's just let it be, if they decide to do something then we figure it out, but if you excuse me, I am going to go find Ashley. 

A/N this chapter was rough, but it is done. As always leave a comment and and vote and sorry for the grammar and errors if its confusing let me know and all fix it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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