perfect night pt.2

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Somehow the two of them fall into some sort of routine. They still hang out together in the way best friends do, they still bicker around and tease each other the same way they used to but then there's part of a dynamic that they have fallen into that wasn't there before. Casual touches are done more often than not and feel like second nature by now; flirting is a thing that is not just done as a joke anymore.

The biggest change is the fact that they regularly hook up with each other, though.

It's something that happens at least twice a week: whenever one of them is stressed and needs a distraction, whenever either one of the girls is worked up and needs to let out steam, when they're in the mood for it or sometimes even without a reason — they end up in bed (or wherever else they fuck) together more often than not.

It starts out with carefully crafted excuses and explanations but over the time it becomes unnecessary. A simple 'u home?' or a certain look on their faces is enough to convey the message, no explanation being necessary.

That, too, is something Yunjin really comes to treasure: she loves the way they just get each other, no words needed.

The fact that her heart is starting to act all giddy and affected by everything Chaewon does is not lost on the younger girl, though she tries not to think too deeply about that: if she acts like her heart changing the way she feels about her best friend does not matter then it won't; at least she hopes it works that way.

Besides, it's normal for her to feel a little confused about what she feels for Chaewon when their relationship changed into one that involves sexual attraction, isn't it? She's simply confusing her sexual attraction to be romantic feelings — that's what she tells herself whenever she's lying in bed and unable to fall asleep, at least.


"Babe, I'm homeee" Yunjin calls out, letting herself in with the keys her best friend gave her about two months into their regular hook up routine. It's easier that way, Chaewon reasoned, and Yunjin — seeing no issue with that statement — accepted it easily. She's pretty sure she means it as a joke when she calls Chaewon babe or honey but sometimes the lines do get blurry so it's kind of hard to tell.

"In the kitchen!" Comes the reply, making Yunjin smile as she takes off her shoes and jacket. Just hearing her best friend's voice is enough to make her feel good and it might seem silly but that's just the way it is. The taller girl is giddy with something akin to excitement inside of her as she takes the few steps it takes to get to Chaewon's kitchen, the smile on her face widening when her eyes land on her best friend.

"Takeout arrived right before you" The older girl informs her, motioning for her to join her at the table. "Yeah? Smells good" Yunjin is sneaky as she goes up to Chaewon only to hug her from behind, resting her head against the crook of the older girl's neck. The gasp escaping Chaewon's lips is not lost on Yunjin, though she can't really tell the reason for it.

"Unnie" The taller girl lets out, her voice barely above a whisper. The scent of Chaewon's perfume and her natural scent mixed with the scent of the shampoo she uses — she must have showered not long before Yunjin came over — is almost dizzying to her, making her want to take an obnoxiously long sniff and commit the scent to memory.

"Can I be honest?" When Chaewon doesn't grace her with a reply in several seconds the girl continues, "I'd much rather eat you than whatever you ordered"

It's then that Chaewon lets out a sound of amusement, turning her head to a rather uncomfortable angle to meet the younger girl's eyes. "You're so cheesy, what the hell" She lets out loud, laughing when Yunjin pouts in response.

The grip the younger girl has tightens for a fraction of a moment, squeezing her before she releases her again. "Was that a no?" Her mouth is so close to the older girl's ear, the proximity of her and her voice being enough to make Chaewon's heart race and to make goosebumps appear on her skin.

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