Gift-Opening Time!

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After you blew all of the flames out, an applause roared with everyone smiling at you in their unique ways. You could hear some "Yay!" and other words of celebration. Everyone piled up their extra gifts on the bottom of the table, and you tried counting the gifts but there just was too many to count.

"Let's see you open them all up and we shall have some cake afterwards. Sounds like a plan, everyone?" Performer stated.

Everyone including you nodded, then you were pushed by The Boi but fell into a bean bag from behind.

"Sorry not sorry, birthday girl!" He jokingly teased, giggling at you.

You laughed it off, seeing everyone circling around you now. Entertainer started off by picking a random gift out of the pile, giving it to you so you could open it. You unwrapped the bow, opening up the lid to see a small Fro plush at the bottom. Aww! You couldn't resist the cuteness of it and grabbed the plush, squishing it everywhere out of cuteness aggression. It seemed like you extremely loved the gift, and you curiously checked the tag to see that it was from Fro himself.

"Thank you so much, Fro! I love the plushie." You said. Fro put a thumbs up in thanks, saying "No problem, Skittle." back.

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