Gift-Opening Time! Prt. 2

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Next was a gift from Flanker, the gift wrap messily wrapped around the item, but you didn't mind. You looked up at Flanker, and he had his usual prideful smirk but lightened it up into a little smile. He tilted his head into a sign saying “Open it.” You unraveled the item, a wooden bat being your gift.

"Hope you enjoy it, pal. It's for when we can play baseball together!" Flanker remarked, putting his hand over his heart.

"Thank you Flanker." You replied. You maybe had played baseball once, or never but at least you had a friend to play it with now!

20 minutes had passed, and you were at the last gift. The sticker on the bag had said 'From: Rough Houser.' You quickly looked through the bag, finding your most wanted item that you had been trying to have for who knows how long. Without hesitation, you took it out and had an astonished look on your face, pulling Rough Houser out of the crowd and wrapping your arms around her neck as you were sitting down and you both interlinked into an affectionate, hearty hug.

“Thought that you'd love it. I'm glad that you do, lil' girl." Murmured Rough Houser, with a cigarette in her mouth making her voice sound raspy while speaking. You let her go, then thanked everybody for all of the gifts.

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