(Chapter 1)-Wasted-

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-Lute's POV- (3rd Person Limited)

Lute sighed huffily as she scrolled through pictures of Adam at his favourite bar. He was posting nonstop pictures and videos of himself singing and dancing with girls hanging on his arms. Small flames of jealousy flared as she looked at each photo. As she scrolled, she subconsciously liked every post, not realizing it until a text pinged at the top of her screen.

It was Adam. Lute's heart fluttered slightly as she opened it, scolding herself internally for getting so excited. It was sloppily typed text from Adam.


Dickmaster: HeY luTI3 im aT th3 b2r. But u @ lready   no htat bc urr licking alL my posTS

Dangertits: Sir, you're drunk. Sorry I didn't mean to like your pictures, they just came in all at once. Please don't drink too much and go home soon, we have training tomorrow.

Dickmaster: Awwww I th0ughT u likked my photos...

Dickmaster: Als0 m apartmant s far @awayyyyy 

Dangertits: If you can make it to my place, you can stay the night.

Dickmaster: Swe3t 

Lute sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing. She knew Adam was well beyond wasted and would be a slight hassle when he eventually arrived. She got up and walked to her closet to grab a small pair of shorts, as she was in her underwear and a T-shirt, and slid them up her legs. 

She walked out of the room, phone in hand, and leaned against the white marble island in her kitchen. Just as Lute unlocked her phone, a harsh knock shattered the silence, the quick rap on her hardwood door echoing in the space.

Lute sighed and walked to the door to open it. As she tugged the golden handle towards her, a hammered Adam slumped against her. She supported his weight and gently pushed him upright as her heart rate increased drastically.

"Adam. Adam, sir, look at me." Lute says firmly as she pulls him down to look her in the eyes.

"Hiiiii danGertits! You look nice~" Adam slurs quietly.

"Come on. You can sleep on my couch for the night." She says softly, guiding her boss to the couch.

Lute turned to grab a blanket and drops it unceremoniously onto the couch. She stops and turns to help him lie down, his mask already discarded on the floor and exposing his handsome face, but he suddenly stumbles forward and falls onto her. Lute squeezes her eyes shut, expecting her boss's heavy weight against her, but doesn't feel anything.

She opens her eyes slowly and her breath stops. Adam has his arms at Lute's sides going past her and supporting his weight against the wall. His eyes are wider now, not as heavy-lidded as before, and he's looking directly at her, eyes flicking between her eyes and her lips.

For a minute, one filled with hesitant silence and vulnerability, the two exorcists stand stock still. Suddenly Adam leans forward, biting his lip as if unsure, and his mouth hovers half an inch over hers. 

Lute's heartbeat thunders in her ears drowning out everything else as Adam closes the distance between them and presses his lips to hers. She gasps but kisses back, their lips locked perfectly together. Adam's hands fall from the wall and onto her body, one hand on her waist and the other up her back and under her oversized shirt.

Her breath caught in her chest as his hand moved around slowly to her front and she remembered she wasn't wearing a bra. His surprisingly gentle hand traces Lute's bare skin and comes close to her breast before receding. Her boss's warm lips disappear as he falls back onto the couch.

As he begins to snore quietly, Lute slid down the wall and curled into herself, knees to her heaving chest. She traces her lips where Adam pressed his and sighs. She knows he's drunk and it doesn't mean anything. 

So why does it make me feel this way?

{Chapter one! Yay! I hope you guys enjoyed this and I know it's short. There's an explanation on the next chapter! Kisses darlings~}

Word Count: 673

Adam's Apple~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon