(Chapter 5)-Fat-

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-Lute POV- (Third Person Limited)

As the two exorcists enter through the doors of the restaurant, they feel eyes immediately flick towards them. Lute shoots the surrounding angels death glares and many gazes turn down. Adam slid into their regular booth, beckoning her forward to sit.

"Hi guys, what can I get you?" A sweet looking brunette waitress asked cheerily as she came up behind them. 

Lute watched with narrowed eyes as the waitress paid special attention to Adam, smiling and laughing fakely. 

"I'll get my usual ribs and the little salad I get." He turned to Lute, "Lute, you want your usual?"

"Huh? Oh, no. I'll just have a salad, thanks." She said with a nervous laugh, pretending not to see Adam's face twitch.

The waitress sneered at her and beamed at Adam before leaving. Lute stared out the window before she felt Adam's hands cover her own, which are folded over each other on the table.

"Lute...? You alright? Why are you just getting a salad?" He asked quietly, concern filling his eyes.

"I-I'm fine, Adam. I just...I'm not hungry today, that's all..." Lute replied lowly, averting her eyes.

Adam looked unconvinced, staring at her with worry. 

"You know you can talk to me if you're having more issues. I'll always listen." Adam said absentmindedly. 

"Mhm. I know, but I'm fine." 

There was a brief silence, only the hum of other patrons chatting in the background to be heard.

"You look pretty...by the way." Adam's voice said quickly, almost to fast for Lute to pick up.

She blushed softly and thanked him. She felt awful about lying to, not only was he her boss, but also her best friend. Especially because she'd been in love with him for years. 

However, she knew he'd never want a relationship with someone like her, or anyone for that matter. 

How wrong she was...

{Before you guys get upset, I know these are really short, I swear, it's better. These two chapters have to be short because chapter six is WAY longer. Please stay tuned, and patient. Kisses darlings~}

Word Count: 335

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