(Chapter 2)-Hangover-

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-Adam's POV- (3rd Person Limited)

Adam's head pounded relentlessly as he forced his eyes open. As his vision adjusted to the bright light around him, he sat up holding his head. He groaned and forced himself up. 

"Wow. You were really smoked, huh?" A familiar voice calls from behind him.

Lute comes into view and Adam's shoulders relax at her familiar figure. He smiles sarcastically and tries to straighten his stance.

"Who, me? Pft, never. Just uh...can't remember how I got here..." Adam replies snarkily, wracking his brain in an attempt to recall the last night's events.

"You were beyond wasted and I said you could stay here. I let you in and you uh...crashed on my couch. That's all..." Lute says, hiding her face slightly as she hands him a coffee.

Like most angels, Lute has never been the best at lying and it shows all over her face. She seems to be avoiding his gaze which makes Adam suspicious. He moves forward and turns her to face him by her chin. 

"Uh...sir?" Lute asks quietly, a small blush appearing on her face.

Despite the blush, Adam can feel her desperately trying not to pull away.

"I can't remember anything...I didn't...I didn't hurt you or touch you in a way you didn't want, did I?" Adam asks, his brow furrowing with concern.

Lute's eyes snap to his immediately, regret pooling in them. She stepped back as she shook her head aggressively.

"What?! No, sir, you didn't! I swear. You didn't do anything wrong!" 

"You promise? I don't want to hurt my top girl." Adam asked skeptically.

Lute nods determinedly.

"Good. What time is it? We have training right, Dangertits?"

Lute takes the now empty coffee cup from his hands and hurries to the kitchen to put it away. She glances up at the clock on her wall as she turns the water on to wash the dish.

"It's seven fifty, sir. We have a while." 

Adam nods and smoothes his wrinkled robe. His mask is discarded in the corner and he stoops to pick it up. He nods at Lute and walks to the door. A good shower and a fresh robe is what he needs.

"I'm gonna head back to mine, see you at practice Dangertits." He said and gave her a quick two-fingered salute before swinging out the door.

He swears he hears her sigh dejectedly as he leaves but thinks he's imagining things and lifts off the take-off balcony. The fresh air hits his face, streaming in through the microscopic holes in his mask, and waking him up a little bit. 

As Adam flew, twirling and doing little tricks in the air, he thought back to Lute's strange behavior, trying to piece together what could have been wrong with her. It was unlike Lute to be nervous or skittish as she was and it worried him.

As the cool air streamed over his and the sun shone warmly on his wings, Adam smiled. His mind filled with memories of Lute, her sweet smile and carefree laugh. As he landed down on the terrace that marked the entrance to his apartment, he almost bumped into someone shorter than him.

"Adam! Omg, hey! Totally wasn't expecting to see you." Giovanna beamed up at him, her fake docility blaring in Adam's face.

The first man sighed and forced a smile onto his face.

"Hey, Giovanna...What can I do for you?" He said.

"Aw Adam, no need to be so formal. We're not at training, so just call me Gio! Anyways, I noticed you didn't come home last night. Where'd you go? I hope you didn't spend the night at some whore's house." She sneered out, the last words emphasized.

It was no secret that Giovanna had a massive crush on Adam and for once, he wasn't interested. Sure she was pretty, in fact, she was definitely one of the prettiest exterminators, but she was so fake. She pretended she was a sweetheart and wouldn't hurt a fly but he'd seen how she treated others when she thought he wasn't looking.

Giovanna was especially cruel to Lute, constantly trying to get under her skin and get her in trouble. Once it had gotten so bad in a fight after work that Lute had stopped by his apartment with a jagged, oozing cut along her arm. She'd been reluctant to tell him who had caused the damage but had finally relented and told him that Giovanna had done it.

"Adam?" Giovanna snapped the lead exterminator out of his thoughts as she flipped her strawberry-blonde, waist-length hair over her shoulder.

"Huh? Oh. Sorry. I got too drunk and crashed on Lute's couch I guess. I don't remember much." 

Adam smirked as fury flashed through Giovanna's golden eyes, the green accents flashing dangerously. He waved her away and strode to his apartment to take a much-needed shower. He discarded his robe and mask and stepped into the shower, washing every bit of his hangover away.

Almost as soon as Adam stepped out, towel around his waist, a buzzing sounded from his phone. Lute's icon flashed across the screen and he swiped up, accepting her Facetime request. Adam propped the phone against the mirror and started to play with his hair as Lute berated him about being almost late. 

He sighed, a smile spreading across his face as he listened, completely unbothered.

{So these chapters will get longer as the story progresses, but right now it's really just getting started and there's not as much to write about. Kisses darlings~}

Word Count: 903

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