(Chapter 6)-Ideals-

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-Adam POV- (Third Person Limited)

Lute continued to make small talk until their food arrived, strictly avoiding their previous topic. Finally, the waitress returned, hips swaying in rhythm with hair and plates in hand. She gave Lute her salad with a disdainful sneer and Adam his dish with a beaming smile. She winked as she walked away and Adam looked down. 

A small piece of paper was tucked under the rim of his plate, just barely visible against the white melamine of the plate. Adam smirked and swiftly pulled it from its place, unfolding it and reading it in one move. From where he was he could see the girl watching from behind the counter with her eyes glued to him for his reaction.

Lute's eyes were locked onto the paper in his hands as he looked up at her. She looked almost terrified as she stared, and Adam waved a hand in front of her.

"Lute. Lute. You good? Chill, babe." He said quietly.

Adam made sure that both the waitress and Lute were watching as he ripped the paper in half and dropped it to the linoleum floor beside him. He smiled softly up at Lute as the waitress's face contorted into an expression of rage.

"Y-you've never done that..." Lute said quietly, her lips parted slightly in shock.

"Yeah well...first time for everything. And maybe...maybe there's someone else I want to be with..." He said before he could stop himself.

Fuck. How would he get out of that? Fortunately, Lute didn't seem to pick up on his fuck up because she looked slightly disappointed. She picked up her fork gently and began to take small, delicate bites of her salad. Adam followed her lead, digging into his own food, but faster. He was hungry from not eating since the day before.

He paused briefly to look up at her. Despite how skinny she looked, she was beautiful, with elegant and delicate features. He could feel himself blush slightly as he watched her, her simple, graceful movements entrancing him. Adam rested his cheek in his hand, smiling softly as he admired her, lost in thought.

"Adam? Adam? ADAM!" Lute's voice broke through his thoughts. 

The shorter exterminator waved a hand in front of his face and he jumped. His face flushed red as he realised what he'd been doing. 

"You okay? You looked lost in thought. You uh...were you thinking about someone?" Lute asked softly.

She had a small smile on her face but Adam knew better. She look almost upset.

"What, uh no. Sorry, just like, I don't know, thinking about life." Adam said hurriedly.

As Adam glanced down at her plate, he noticed it was pushed away from from her and was barely halfway finished. He frowned, his eyes filling with concern.

"You done? Lute, you left a lot of food..." He asked quietly.

Lute's eyes widened as she realised she was caught in the act. She blushed slightly as she struggled to come up with an answer. 

"I-uhm...yes...? It's fine, I wasn't that hungry. I swear. Just get the check, lemme find my wallet." She said as she fumbled with her bag.

"What. No fuck that. I got it." Adam said, gritting his teeth as the check appeared in front of them. 

Adam threw the cash down and pushed Lute gently out the door. As the door closed, he wrapped an arm lazily around her waist, his eyes narrowing as he noticed how skinny she felt, and pulled her close. Secretly, butterflies fluttered gently in his stomach as he fet her warm body touch his.

He felt her relax against him as they walked and sighed gently. The two walked slowly toward Lute's apartment as training had ended, and talked about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other's company.

Suddenly, Adam stopped short and his arm disappeared from where it rested just above Lute's hips. She looked at him as he stepped away. 

"Adam? What's up?" 

Adam took a step toward the grocery they were passing, Holy Foods, his eyes focused intently on something inside. He turns around, looking down at the shorter exterminator.

"Her, Lute? Do you like apples?" He asked pleasantly.

Lute looked at him with a scrutinous expression.

"I mean...yeah? Why." She asked and narrowed her eyes.

"Stay here!" He said before darting into the store.

Through the large store-front windows he could see her standing with a perplexed look on her face, her wings hanging loosely at her sides. He darted down to the fruit aisle with a grin on his face as he attempted to avoid the eyes of girls scattered in the makeshift corridors.

Finally he came to a stop in front of the apple section, which stretched a large part of the store, seperated into all the different kinds of apples. His eyes immediately landed on the Golden Deliciouses which lay on the far right. The shimmering, golden apples reminded him of Lute's eyes and he tossed a dozen into  a small silver shopping bag. 

Finally, Adam checked out, the female cashier giving him a bizarre look as he walked away, and walked back out through the front doors. Lute stood awkwardly against a tree several feet from the store front, her eyes glazing over the crowds of people shuffling by.

"Boom. The best apples for my apple!" Adam said triumphantly with a childishly smug expression on his face.

He watched as her face flushed a deep red and realised what he'd said.

"Oh- SHIT. I didn't...I mean...Sorry..." Adam said as his face turned pink and he shoved an apple into her hands.

"I...it's fine...And...you didn't need to buy these..." Lute said softly.

Adam look at her sternly and pushed the apple back towards her.

"Yes I did. From now on, every time we're together, I want you to eat an apple."

"No Adam, it's fine.. I don't want-" Lute started to insist before he cut her off.

Adam leaned down slightly and cupped her cheek with a hand.

"I wasn't asking Lute." He said gently.

He watched as he resolve faltered, her eyes flickering softly before she sighed.

"Okay..." She said quietly.

"Good. That's my girl." Adam said as he straightened up, pulling her close to him again to continue walking to her apartment. 

Lute takes a bite of the golden apple, her eyes closing as she tasted it. Adam smiled at how delicate she was, a small blush on his cheeks. His cheeks were pink as he turned his attention back to the road. They walked in comfortable silence back to Lute's place.

{Before u come after me, I know, that took so long :') Sorry. But here u go}

Word Count: 1080

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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