Chapter 11

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Content Warnings: PTSD, suicidal ideation, self-harm, Alastor having flashbacks to his death [It goes into semi-graphic detail of being eaten alive], victim blaming [Moreso than usual], period-typical racism, & Vox having no sense of personal space [Also moreso than usual].

Author's Note: I'm actually more of a fairytale/Victorian-esque horror writer, so this fic was a huuuuuuge genre shift for me. And while this is definitely meant to be a horror story from an aroace perspective, it's still different in that the 'horror' elements here are not about witches, ghosts, creepy old woods, etc. 

Please do heed the warnings--the story is going to get even darker from here on out. It's not a happy story by any means.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this~!! <3


Charlie slouches over the bar, one hand nursing a glass of lukewarm apple juice while the other incessantly taps against the counter. Every so often, she turns her head back, eyes scanning every inch of the hotel in the hopes a certain elusive radio deer will return. The atmosphere is tense and thick with foreboding, to the point Charlie wouldn't be surprised if it could be cut with a knife.

The princess's hands are shaking, nearly jostling the amber liquid out of her glass cup.

"I...think you've had enough to drink," Husk calls out from behind Charlie, before snatching the glass out of her hands. "Didn't even have to give you anything alcoholic, and you're already getting antsy."

"—And how could I not be freaking out, Husk!?" Without anything to hold in her hands, Charlie resorts to twirling a lock of hair around her fingers. "Dad booked me a meeting with Uriel!! What if he doesn't like me; what if..." Charlie gasps, eyes widening in abject horror. "What if he's like Adam!!?"

The creaking of wooden steps causes Charlie and Husk to look towards the lobby. Lucifer quickly steps over to them, Niffty tucked under one arm, while the other is carrying a bicycle helmet and hockey mask?

Charlie must admit that's a little weird, but everyone needs hobbies. At the very least, it's a welcomed change from the puppets.

"Oh, he's way worse than Adam," Lucifer hisses, voice as cold as ice.

"What the hell did you do to Niffty?" Husk disdainfully stares at Niffty from the corner of his eye, perturbed as to why Lucifer had tied a pillow over her head...or why he's giving her oven mittens and a wooden bat embedded with rusty nails.

Lucifer's tongue sticks out to the side as he finishes the last remaining adjustments. Shooting her a thumbs up, Niffty beams as she lifts up the bat, maniacal cackles filling the air as she dashes over to a single cobweb hanging from the stairway railings. Without a care in the world, Lucifer clasps his hands together, smiling pleasantly as he urges Charlie to put on the helmet. Somehow, her dad had even coerced Husk into wearing a hockey mask.

Charlie's brows are furrowed as she glances down at the helmet, before turning back to her father's beaming face. "Uhhh...I appreciate the gesture, dad, but you really didn't need to do this."

(Alastor x Vox) Knife Through the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now