Chapter 16

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Content Warnings: Mild descriptions of blood/injuries, Self-harm, Suicidal ideation, Extremely unhealthy co-dependent relationships.


Melodic chimes and angelic trumpets suddenly fill the air, harkening back to Adam's assault on the hotel two months prior. Charlie immediately jolts out of her chair, knocking aside a huge stack of precariously placed records and texts on Heavenly weapons in the process. Heart hammering wildly in her chest, Charlie whips her head over to the ceiling, apprehension flickering in her eyes.

She thinks back to Sir Pentious and Dazzle—and countless other demons from Cannibal Town that lost their lives...They were her people, and yet she failed them. But Charlie won't make that exact same mistake twice.

And sure, Alastor can be creepy as fuck some of the time...most of the time, but he's still her friend. And weird tendencies for manifesting out of thin air aside and sleeping (?) with his eyes open, he most certainly doesn't deserve...whatever the hell is going on between him and Vox. Charlie already had her suspicions, but Rosie had all but confirmed it the other month. 'Ace in the hole,' and that actually explained quite a bit—Even if Niffty is convinced there's something going on between her dad and Alastor...or Alastor and Vox.

Charlie does her best to brush aside these rather inane thoughts, instead doing her best to locate the sounds of the Holy chimes and angelic trumpets...only for the music to stop.

"What the fuuuuck is going on?" Charlie curses underneath her breath as the music suddenly starts again, only it's much closer this time. Quickly, Charlie turns her head, only to let out an ear-piercing screech as she comes face-to-face with Uriel—large, dull gray eyes boring into hers.

Unceremoniously crashing onto the floor, all Charlie can do is openly gape at the angel still hovering inches off of the ground. His hands are hidden by his oversized sleeves as he fiddles with a cell phone. Though, it's a model Charlie's unfamiliar with. "Sorry about that, Char-Char!" Uriel chirps, seemingly not sorry in the slightest. "I've been trying to get ahold of Sera so that I can book an appointment at the Archives and Human Resources Center, circa New Orleans from uh...whatever time period your sinner's from. But for some reason, she's been avoiding my calls since the first day cell phones were invented......"


A blur of red, black, and purple zooms by, only stopping right before Uriel. Holding out her spear towards the Angel of Repentance, Vaggie glowers at him as she hisses, "What have you done to her!?"

Uriel blinks, tilting his head in-confusion. Sticking his tongue out, he offers her a cat-smile, holding his phone up over his head. "Well, Lucy said my previous ringtone would be enough to give any sinners an eternity of horrific, unspeakable nightmares. And I said, 'That sounds fun!! I want to know what it's like to get nightmares too!' Buuuuut...I had to change it though, Lucy insisted it was a war crime and Geneva Convention violation or something," Uriel pouts, only to bounce back to his chipper self in no time. "But if you two are interested, I can share my recordings of the 'screams of the damned,' or my personal favorite—the last sound anyone will hear before the inevitable heat death of the universe!"

(Alastor x Vox) Knife Through the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now