Chapter 23

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Content Warnings: PTSD, Dissociation, Past Physical/Emotional/Psychological torture, Severe emotional manipulation, Non-consensual kissing, Severe emotional abuse, Gaslighting, Victim blaming, Acephobia, Sexism, Period-typical racism, Extremely unhealthy co-dependent relationships, Highly implied SA [It does not happen to Alastor. Mimzy does not know how Alastor died, but she heard rumors and made a disturbingly logical conclusion, given the information she had at the time], Victim blaming, Survivor's guilt, Valentino's really fucking disgusting comments about Alastor [All in a flashback].


Blood is on the wall, on the ground, clinging to Mimzy's hands—threatening to drown the man laying on the ground beside her to choke from the sheer amount of crimson dripping down his lips. A huge contrast against his pallid, ashen complexion. And...wasn't that a surprise? Alastor had always been on the darker side when he was alive, so imagine Mimzy's complete bewilderment when she reunited with Alastor in hell...except...he wasn't the Alastor she knew anymore.

Oh, not at all. He was the Radio Demon.

Gone were those sweet smiles, his playful, innocent demeanor. And he'd been far less prone to affection—Pushing her away at first when she tried to give him a hug. Mimzy had her suspicions then. Noticing the rather odd gait to his steps as he walked around, his rather jumpy demeanor whenever a man happened to cross his path. Alastor was smiling. Always smiling.

He's still smiling here.

Curled up on his side, desperately clinging to his torn, mutilated stomach, eyes glassy and half-lidded as he gazes up unseeingly Mimzy...or rather, the scene playing out behind her.

If only she could scoop him up into her arms and never let go. If only Mimzy could whisk Alastor away from all of this, get him away from that demon with the television head. But alas, while Mimzy is a woman of many talents, she is adorably short. No matter how thin Alastor is [He was always on the slim side, bordering on emaciation when he was alive], she's much too short to carry him.

Luckily, Susan of all demons served as wonderful distraction. Apparently she was just wandering around the streets of Cannibal Town at midnight because she got a tad bit peckish. It's genuinely scary how good that woman's nose is, considering she was able to catch the scent of Alastor's blood from a mile away. She didn't even notice Alastor first. Vox's TV head proved to be a great offense to her, and—Yep, Mimzy really could and would smooch Susan right on the lips for how she's really tearing into that shitty TV.

She's really going at it with Vox.

"—Why's he so sad?" Susan asks, finally noticing Alastor all bloodied and broken on the ground. "Back in my day, there was no such thing as depression! He should be happier; it'll make his meat taste better."

Footsteps ring out in the alleyway. "That's enough now, grandma."

(Alastor x Vox) Knife Through the HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora