Chapter 17

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Content Warnings: Graphic depictions of blood/injuries, torture, self-harm, suicidal ideation, extremely unhealthy co-dependent relationships, Vox constantly making jabs at what he perceives to be Alastor being promiscuous, victim blaming [From both Vox and Alastor to himself].


"Don't leave," Alastor murmurs, gently pressing Vox's hand against his cheek. "You promised that you'd always stay by my side."

With a gentle smile, Vox nods, gazing down at Alastor with so much love and adoration that leaves Vaggie with an uneasy feeling, given the context. A shiver runs down the fallen angel's spine as she thinks back to her own relationship with Charlie, and something like heartbreak and pity for the radio demon crosses her mind. She'd been given a chance at true love at her lowest, and yet—

Alastor wasn't granted that same luxury.

She knows Uriel's creepy murder knife is behind this, but it's still hard to believe what she's even seeing.

Seeing Alastor like this is far too bizarre, to the point Vaggie is certain this can't be some sort of shared hallucination, considering the perturbed expression Carmilla seems to share with her. Vaggie's never thought of herself as particularly imaginative, so she's dead certain her mind could ever conjure a scene so incredibly disturbing.

Vaggie had never seen this kind of situation play out in Heaven. Of course she wouldn't have, but there were people up there who suffered traumatic deaths and even more traumatic lives. Therapy sessions were given, and certain divisions would take care of those who couldn't adjust to the reality of living forever.

Quite a few souls had been devastated upon finding out they'd still have to exist long after their death. Vaggie had been on the front lines, inflicting far more pain and hurt than was becoming for an angel.

But of course, not every angel had been like Adam and Lute...or even her, during her worst days.

She hadn't known Adam for far longer than other angels, but she'd heard whisperings of how he had been kinder, long before civilization truly started—and long before evil began to take root in humanity. Maybe Adam hadn't been entirely evil once, and as surreal as it is to even consider, Alastor also had lived before he died and landed himself in hell.

Some days, all Vaggie can see is red staining her hands, dripping down from her spear as she slaughtered yet another demon.

In that sense, what truly makes her different from the red-haired demon here, bleeding right through his bandages?

"Alastor...I know it's scary to accept help, but trust me when I say that I only have your best intentions at heart," Vaggie says, wondering just how differently her fall from Heaven would have been, had Charlie not stumbled upon her...hadn't tended to her wounds, or accepted a random stray into her home without question.

"We may not like each other very much, but we're still fighting for the same cause," she desperately pleads, attempting to stamp out the anger threatening to spill out from guilt. Vaggie most certainly hadn't caused this, but she comes from the same stock as Uriel. Angels are supposed to protect everyone, and yet, all they've done is inflict unspeakable suffering onto those who are already burning in hell.

(Alastor x Vox) Knife Through the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now