Chapter 5

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Plunger TV got up from his bed, he never needed to sleep due to him not being a human, but it was nice to rest or "deactivate" once in a while. As he got up, he quickly regained memory of yesterday's events. His final day in quarantine, he read a book of the infection, and he spoke to the "Hayden" guy.

Plunger TV got up as soon as he thought about the word "Hayden" in his memory chip. He exited his room and wandered around in the halls. He got to know some of the members in the base, most were survivors from other bases, while the rest were members who lived in this base when the infected attacked and managed to survive. After a while of wandering for no reason, he turned around a corner to finally see him. "Hayden". "Hayden" was having a conversation with The Speakerman, aka Speakerman 2305. He overheard the conversation which was nothing too shady, just two alliance members having a conversation about normal things like plans..

("and.. plans? Thats strange. Maybe he's just giving The Speakerman a task.") Plunger TV thought.

Maybe But, thats odd.. didnt "Hayden" want to lie in a sort of way to The Speakerman yesterday?
Plunger TV watched around the corner as The Speakerman and "Hayden" had finished chatting.
The Speakerman went back to his own dorm, and "Hayden" went back to work.

Plunger TV made a goal that day, find out what "Hayden" was up to.

Not long after, the entrance to the base opened, it was 1 engineer cameraman and 1 scientist speakerman carrying... the mistress of the TVs?

She was heavily damaged, but alive

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She was heavily damaged, but alive. Every alliance member in the base were shocked when they saw her being carried to the medical bay. Even the engineers aswell. Luckily, no signs of blood dust. But what happened? One of her arms looked like it was torn off. Part of her legs aswell. Her screen was cracked, antennas were broken and there were gashes across her torso and waist. Whatever attacked her, it wasnt something infected by the blood dust, luckily.
The Plunger TV man walked to the medical bay and peeked around the corner, he was still incredibly shocked and traumatized that such a valuable and experienced combatant of the alliance could be this damaged by something that wasnt even from the blood dust.
He overheard the engineers discussing about what to do. Her memory chip had been demolished into a fragment, her internal electronics were all destroyed or heavily damaged. And her tuner which received signals and decoded broadcast S.O.S signals sent out by alliance members were nowhere to be found.
Whoever this person who somehow managed to fry the mistress of the TVs to a burnt steak wasnt an infected for sure.

("Maybe.. a traitor?") The Plunger TV Thought in his head.


"Hey! This is only for alliance members with the 'Engineer_' tag, you are not allowed here! I understand this is one of your race's strongest soldiers. But we cant risk any of you interfering with our repairing, so apologies to you."
An engineer cameraman blocked the Plunger TV's view. After hearing his words, Plunger TV slowly nodded and walked away.

Information had just become public in the base a few hours after.

"The blood dust had just evolved. But only a few members that being the oldest infected have gotten it so far. Though others being infected by the ones with the mutation will also get the effect, the mutation has been analyzed and information will be given below.

- the blood dust has evolved to become hidden to a camera's lens when in the presence of one. Including becoming immune to our current BDE* blaster.

- Blood dust regeneration doesnt regrow broken limbs or missing body parts anymore, they grow limbs themselves according to the host's features. The most common out of this one are multiple arms and teeth that extend to the (which humans called) oesophagus.

- One of the infected Titans, that being the Titan of the TVs hasn't been spotted in a while. It could be receiving upgrades from The Scientist and the Toilet Engineers. A new Titan has been discovered though, it isnt hostile and has helped the alliance with a few minor issues. We call it, TV_Titan 4823, due to it being a titan and the 4823rd TV existing.
Though its features are disturbing and unsettling to some, that being the heads of multiple TV men and the Large TV Man were mounted onto the torso of the Titan, it had a Speaker Strider attached onto its shoulder and its internal devices were attached onto the shoulder. It also has moving bulbs of Blood dust, it infects but it doesnt attack.
More research will be done about this soon.

*Blood Dust Extermination


This information sparked some panic and controversy in the base, some people thought that TV_Titan4823 was an intelligent mutated version of the blood dust. These were conspiracies and some people agreed, the rest who were those who didnt were yelled "gullible" and "idiots". Plunger TV was one of those people since he knew the truth. But he had a question, on his first day of quarantine the guard mentioned part of that information days prior before it came out. And Plunger TV couldnt find him anywhere in the base after he was transported to the medical bay. Was the information give to combatants earlier? No, it couldnt have. There are multiple combatants on the side of the conspiracy theorists and they dont seem to know the truth and just recently heard of it when it was public.

Was that particular guard a traitor? A spy? So many questions flooded Plunger TV Man's circuits. It was overwhelming..

A few hours later, multiple superiors and combatants got rid of the conspiracy theorists by abandoning them outside the base. This made fear in the alliance a huge thing for a while. "Hayden" seemed okay with it though, he was just doing his work and instructing his co-workers while the others were paranoid and their hands were shaky.

Plunger TV decided to take a rest in his room, he stopped by Speakerman 2305's room to try and ask him some questions. But he figured it was really just best to get some sleep..



In the medical bay, engineer cameramen were analyzing the remaining fragment of the TV mistress's memory chip.
Though the footage they found was full of static and the audio was greatly distorted. What they saw disturbed them greatly. It wasnt an infected, it wasnt an alliance member.

It was something else.

It was something else

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