Chapter 4

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As a child I didn't know what it was like to have much responsibilities other than to do just do my chores, homework and keep my room tidy. Everything was so much simpler then and I had no clue at the time how much I would've grown to miss it.

Having those morning chores really gave me a better sense of what it meant to be responsible. It also made me see the beauty of life and nature. Taking care of the animals, making sure they were happy and healthy, made me realize that nature is a beautiful yet delicate thing. Forever unpredictable.

And yet I still didn't understand it entirely even when its mysterious power unknowingly happened to me.

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Clayton left to go back home to his girlfriend before the sun went down. He promised not to tell our mother or sister about Eric and the reasons for me being here. I couldn't face all of their nagging questions and concerns. It was all too much to deal with too soon. I needed time to emotionally recover and prepare myself for all their questions.

The wind whistled as tree branches scraped against my window kept me awake. Feeling as though I could hear Eric calling out to me. His yelling and my cries echoed in the back of my mind as I held the blankets tightly around me.

Staring up at the full moon, unable to get any sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Eric. Memories of his cruel hands coming in contact with my face and ribcage, his strong hold on my hair and arms. Feeling powerless against him.

Knowing I wasn't going to get much sleep tonight I decided to go for a walk around my parent's property. Something I often did as a child was playing hide and go seek in the woods with Sarah and Clayton. We knew the whole land like the back of our hands, always able to find our way back home.

Taking one of my mother's antique lanterns lighting the candles with a nearby lighter. Passing my mother's bedroom as I avoided all of the creaks in the wooden stairs. Years of sneaking out of the house I had come to learn all of the tricks and secrets of the cottage.

The warm summer breeze flew through my cream lightweight nightgown as I wore a thin white cardigan covering my arms. I wasn't concerned about running into anyone since the nearest neighbor is miles away.

The yellow flickering candle lit my way through the pathway with the bright moonbeams shining through the thick trees. Being out here, listening to the crickets and frogs calmed my mind, having something else to focus on except my own thoughts.

It was a nice change from living in the city where all I was used to was sirens and the sounds of traffic. The light pollution prevented me from star gazing. I hadn't realized how much I missed it here.

When I left years ago to go to college I was so adamant on leaving and thought it was the best thing for me to do. To grow and make something of myself and to accomplish everything I've ever dreamt of. I thought being stuck on this farm prevented me from experiencing life.

But lately I've realized that maybe having a calm life isn't as bad as I thought. Maybe life wasn't meant to constantly stay busy and make a name for yourself. Maybe the whole point of life was to appreciate the intricate simplicity of it all.

But I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that I was still missing something. There was a piece of my life missing and I hoped the more I wandered through the path lined with trees would clear my mind and give me the clarity to figure it out.

The warm summer breeze flew through my dress and flowed through the pieces of hair that escaped my messy bun.

Humming softly to myself remembering the lullabies my father would sing to me as a child when I had nightmares. Even after all these years they helped me rest and aided the rambling voices in my head.

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