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One of the most difficult things in my life is choosing a God damn outfit. How do people even select one? The clothes on my bed are frustrating me, "HEA-JIN ARE YOU COMPLETELY DEAF I- what is this pile of junk?" Doyoon barged into my room, sometimes I wondered how this door was still attached, "Can't you knock?" he shook his head and sat on my chair next to the study table.

"What are you doing taking all your clothes out? Are you finally planning to leave?" he took the candy from the table and ate it "Firstly, no I am not and don't touch my stuff, especially my candies, mom gave you your own"

"Ate them all" I scoffed at him.

"Wow you are a whale" I looked down at my clothes wondering what would look good with what.

"Are you..." he hesitated, I looked at him raising an eyebrow "What?"

"Are you doing on a date or something" This time his voice was soft, it was hard to believe my brother talking to me like that "No, just hanging out with friends" I replied.

He sighed relieved "Thank God, I was about to question the guy"

"Are there going to be guys?" he crossed his arms, and I simply nodded "You know I feel like you are interrogating me"

"Because I am, you don't know how men are... They aren't like those you read in your book Hea-jin. Most men in real life are horrible and despicable, it's disgusting how they view a woman, I may be an annoying older brother but I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of someone if they laid even a finger on you"

For the first time in forever, I saw this side of my brother, I knew he was protective but never showed it. I'd be lying if my heart didn't melt

"You can have those candies" I grinned.

"Let me help you pick an outfit" I hummed in response, not fighting your sibling is so calming.

Looking towards my scattered clothes Doyoon pointed out a pink t-shirt and a denim skirt, he handed me the clothes and pushed me towards the bathroom asking me to 'Try It On'

"It's... Simple and you look ugly with that face, so no one would hit on you. You are good" He stood like a professional designer. Sometimes I wonder if he genuinely has an older brother's side or if his love language is bullying.

"Are you doing your hair?"

I shook my head "Just a hairband, why?"

Doyoon moved me towards my chair and picked up my hairbrush "I'll do a hairstyle for my living Barbie doll" he started to brush my hair, and I internally worried about his behaviour, he was acting too nice to be true "Done!"

I looked at myself in the mirror and as much as I hated to admit it the braids looked super pretty "Your girlfriend will have a gentleman" I murmured

I texted Soomin that I had left earning a quick 'am on my way too'

"I am Going" I picked up my bag and opened the front door "Say 'Hi' to Eunhi and Soomin for me and be careful" Mom reminded me before leaving.


Walking alone is good, it's refreshing and calm until a dog decides to follow you because well I don't know I don't understand their behaviour. I caught my breath, panting heavily, stupid imbecile dog, "Looks like you ran a Marathon" I looked up to see who it was "Technically I kinda did"

"Do you need water?" Jungwon asked, "No it's okay, is anyone else here?"

"Just us for now"

I nodded, this is going to be hella awkward. Where are my friends when I need them? I followed him towards the rest of the guys. At least Niki will be there.

𝗢𝗽𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁- Lee HeesungWhere stories live. Discover now