Chapter 1

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Silver Tears awoke, shivering, and crying. "Are you okay?" A voice spoke behind her. She looked around. "Yeah...New Moon I'm fine." "Are you sure?" New Moon protested, "It was just a dream," She sighed. "Okay.." He looked like he didn't believe her. Silver Tears picked herself up and walked out of the den, not looking back. "Silver Tears!" Moon Dancer laughed "What?" Silver Tears growled. "New Moon is your future mate so be kind to him" Moon Dancer Pointed out. Blah, Blah, future mate, ugh. "Why him though?" Silver Tears cried "He's calm, sensitive, kind, and everything your mate should be. Plus you're my daughter" ''But I should be able to choose my own mate!" Silver Tears snarled. She stomped off to go hunt and heard Moon Dancer sigh behind her. Silver Tears paused to taste the air, still feeling sour from her argument with her father. Rabbit. She scorched the bushes with her gaze, looking for the rabbit, There! Silver Tears streaked after the rabbit. Crash! A huge boulder behind her slammed into her flank, but that didn't matter, it was an earthquake! Smash! Creak... KA-BOOM! Then everything went black.

Silver Tears woke, stiff, a scorching pain bloomed through her flank and left leg. "Ugh..." She tried to get up but fell back down with a thump. Where am I? Silver Tears swallowed and looked around. Her throat felt dry and parched. The sun beamed through the soft leaves. A couple of leaves fluttered down onto the ground. The birds chirped as she crawled through a bush of brambles. The brambles tore a chunk of fur off her shoulder and she winced. After she got through the brambles, they snapped back into place with a whip sound. Silver Tears looked down at the dry forest floor and her twisted leg, she flinched at the sight. Shaking her head to remove the gruesome sight from her mind. She swallowed the bile rising in her throat and turned herself towards the broken branches and hollow trees.

She looked around. Maybe there will be water somewhere close.. she hoped. The soft sound of leaf swirling in the wind as they swooped towards the ground comforted her, it reminded Silver Tears of when she was a little pup, playing at the feet of her mother and bounding through the forest with her father. Those days are gone, I'm older now. I don't need stories to help me sleep or comfort. I'm on my own. Silver tears convinced herself and continued through the bushes and long, swaying grass.

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