Chapter 3

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The sun rose, brightening the brown forest floor. Silver Tears crawled out of the bush, back into the open clearing. She looked around, watching the clouds drift through the morning sky. The sunrise was beautiful, orange, yellow and pink. The colors blurred together, creating a soft sunrise. Silver Tears smiled slightly at the pretty colors and then turned away from the sun.

She started to walk through the forest, the soft leaves brushing her pelt. She pushed through the low hanging branches and into a large clearing with tall grass. I still don't know where I am.. She thought with a sigh. Gosh, I'm so confused.. She shook her head, clearing the unwanted thoughts. 

The light is filtered through the waving branches and leaves, leaving a beautiful pattern on the forest floor. She blinked through the sun's light. It was abnormally hot today already.. and the sun had just started the rise on the horizon. She panted slightly and limped forwards, her leg aching. 

The sun made her head pound and she whined softly, nor as if anyone would hear it. I wonder if anyone knows I'm missing.. I wonder if they care at all? Silver Tears sighed again. "I'm kinda feeling hungry.. I think I should find something to eat." She mumbled under her breath.

She searched far and wide for ant source of food, but there was none to be found. Silver Tear's stomach growled. Rumbling came from afar but, she just dismissed it as her stomach. This rumbling sound, it's been growing louder.. what if it's not my stomach.? She swung her head around, searching for the root of the noise. The sound only grew louder, worrying her even more of what was to come. Anticipation hung heavily in the air, making it hard to breathe. A squirrel scurried past her, clearly in a rush to get out of there. Well, that's the first sign of life I've seen so far, but it doesn't really look like a good sign.. She frowned softly, anxious of what was happening at the moment.

A crash was heard behind her and she whipped her body around to face the noise. 

 Heavy breaths were heard in the clearing surrounded by weaven twigs and branches, leaf blocking the view to most of the things around her. But the root of the sound was now very clear to her as water rushed around her legs, bowling her over like she was a small twig. The rush of mucky, brown water swep her into its rageful wrath.

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