Chapter 4

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The water smashed into her flank like the reality of her life. It sunk deep into her long fur, soaking her. The water dragged Silver tears along with it, into the wrath of logs, trees, twigs and dirt. The mucky water pushed her down the slope.

Silver tears smashed into rocks, trees and other big objects, deeply bruising her body. She cried out in pain. a stick lashed out in the water, hitting her twisted leg.

Silver Tears yowled in pain, kicking out in the water to try and move herself. It was no help the muddy water swiftly shoved her in a path down the rocky slope. As she smashed into more rocks and trees the world started to spin around her and she passed out.

. . .

She groaned as her leg moved on the ruff ground. I'm not in the water anymore, I was washed up somewhere... but, where did I get washed up...? As her eyes widened in panic, she swung her head around to look for signs of where she was.

Trees, branches and leaves were littered across the ground, from the flood. Nothing looked familiar. But, that might have been because of her aching head and the land destroyed by the flood. The ground around her was battered by the flood, not even recognizable from what it once was, not that she knew what it looked like in the first place.

Silver tears sighed, that panic remaining in her body and mind, even though she had slightly calmed down a bit. I wonder if the clan was hit by the flood, if they were, I don't think it was as bad as the part that hit me. I was in the heat of that dang flood. She thought bitterly, a scowl on her soft wolf face. Her fur was still slightly damp and she shook herself trying to remove extra water from her pelt.

Water dripping echoed as she lapped it up, quenching her thirst. The taste of the cool water soothed her sore throat. She drank the water in quick gulps, enjoying the feeling of it sliding down her throat. She stopped as she had quenched her thirst. Looking at her reflection on the surface of the water. Silver tears fur stuck out in places from drying unevenly and her eyes were slightly closed from the exhaustion that was brought upon her in the last couple of days. Her soft blue eyes looked tired and darker than the normally bright eyes she had, she only looked like this when she was very tired. Silver Tears sighed softly and turned away from the puddle and her reflection. Her heavy, exhaustion-written steps crinkled leaves and twigs in their wake.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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