Chapter 2 (SHORT)

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The forest darkened quickly as she crawled, her twisted leg aching. Silver Tears gritted her sharp teeth, focused on putting one paw in front of another. For the last two hours (Or at least what she thought was two hours) Silver Tears has been walking through her new surroundings. Gosh, where am I? She thought with a sigh. "Maybe I should rest for the night..."  She mumbled to herself.  It was late now, the birds had stopped tweeting and the sun had long fallen before.

As the moon rose in the dark indigo gradient sky she continued to crawl through the forest. It was beautiful but dark and quiet. Silver Tears sighed the clouds covered the moon, it was almost like a bad omen. She sighed again, bored, confused and scared. She's all alone. There's no one here. No one. It's so quiet,  almost loud how silent it is.  The only sound to comfort her now, was the sound of her paws crunching on the twigs and dead leaves of the forest floor.

She strutted towards a large, thick and leafy bush. Pushing her shoulders through the thick branches of the bush as Silver Tears looked for a nice place to lay down. I curled herself into a tight ball, shivering from the cold night. 

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