𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐭-1

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a/n- this was originally its own book but its too short for a book. anyways enjoy. sorry for being gone for so long from this book. request are open.

Brian O'Connor is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. that works along with his partner Daisy Johnson. He was working for the FBI and CIA, at extremely young age, but they thought he was too good for their jobs and recommended him to S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury was immediately intrigued by him and accept him in.

But soon it came to Fury attention that he was related to Wanda Maximoff who was in the Avengers. He found out that they were adopted after Wanda's entire family was killed and Brian's father died on the job since he was he a cop. Both taken in by Elizabeth Jackson.

They grew close and became the siblings they always wanted. Wanda went on a bender during spring break her senior year and went to Sokovia. HYDRA then kidnapped her because they knew things she didn't. For example, they knew her father was Eric Lancaster aka Magneto.

Immediately they experimented on her giving her powers she never wanted. She was mislead by them and fought against the Avengers till she realized they weren't the enemy. She joined the team shortly after Brian joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

Wanda was then trained by Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. She got redemption from the team which gave her closure to begin her new life as a hero. An Avenger.

After a couple months of her on the team she grew close with the Black Widow. Both women had a soft spot for each other and it grew into pure love for each other.

But nothing last forever.

On December 16, 1:25 a.m., Wanda was murdered. No remains were found in the car since it was exploded. Natasha was no where to be found after S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived to the scene. Fury kept it off the radar not wanting to tell Brian yet because he was currently on a five month mission he absolutely could not mess up.

Once he did get back he was getting stares and glares from agents. Fury still said nothing to him but that she went AWOL. He first wanted to make sure she was gone and that she wasn't kidnapped or something. After looking for 12 days he stopped the search and phoned it in.

Wanda Maximoff was murdered on December 16 and Natasha Romanoff was the number one suspect.

Brian's POV

Running quickly I tackle one of the thugs pushing down on one of his pressure points. He thrashed around ferociously and yelled as I put more pressure down. "STOP MOVING!" I yelled.

Down landed my partner from the quinjet, Daisy Johnson, in front of us and handed me the cuffs. "I'm innocent I swear!" The thug yelled.

"Your fingerprints are all over the drugs and weapons explain that to us," Daisy spoke. The thug stayed quiet a smirk on my lips.

"Exactly." Daisy roughly grabbed the man and handed him over to the agents nearby. I fixed my Tom Ford suit Daisy looking at me. "What?" I ask.

"You should wear suits more often. It really brings out your eyes." She comments before winking at me and getting on the quinjet. I smirked at her comment before getting in to my BMW and heading home. My phone began buzzing as I stopped at a red light.

"Hello?" I spoke the phone on speaker.

"Its been called in." Daisy spoke her voice breaking up. I closed my eyes leaning my head down on steering wheel, tears rolling down my cheeks. Everything was on mute as I poured my emotions out. I repeatedly began hitting the wheel my knuckles turning red and blood began showing.

Arriving home wasn't easy. I sat outside my house not wanting to go in. I knew I would go straight to the alcohol to drink the pain away. My eyes unable to release anymore tears of anger or for that fact any of guilt. I should've known something was up with Fury when kept saying she was offline for the mission with Black Widow.

Black Widow... Natasha Romanoff. They spy, the liar, the assassin, the two faced bitch who is all of sudden know where to be found. Letting a few deep breaths I manage to compose myself and walk into my house.



The gunshots rang as S.H.I.E.L.D. honored Wanda as a solider. I stood by my car not wanting the pity from everyone. The Avengers paid there respect by being here. Anger rose in me as the so called 'team' walked over to me.

"We're sorry for you loss," Steve said to me. I could tell he meant it but I couldn't hold back in scoffing at his words.

"Listen, were doing the best we can to find Romanoff," Tony jumped in taking his glass off.

"Don't worry. I'll find her myself." I responded.

"Leave it us. If you go looking for your going to freak her out and she'll be in all assassin mode. Leave it us." Tony quickly said.

"Someone killed my sister and I won't stop till I find her killer. If that means I have to go through you or anyone else i will." I felt a hand on my mine and I looked over seeing Daisy.

She gave a nod to the team and slowly dragged me away from the situation. "Are you trying to get them on there top watch list?" She whispered yelled as we walked towards her car.

"I'm looking for her. Are you gonna help me or not?" I bluntly asked.

"Of course I am. I'm your partner," she lightly punched my arm giving me a soft smile. I gave in giving her one as well before crashing into her smaller body. Her arms wrap around my body as she softly raked her nails up and down my back in a soothing motion.

"Come on lets eat and talk about where this Black Widow could be." I gave her a nod before getting into her van.

Third Person POV


"Hello?" The ginger answered the pay phone.

"It's Fury," Nick spoke onto the phone the other line connected to Natasha.

"What?" She asked annoyed.

"Where were you December 16th at 1 in the morning?" Fury asked straight to the point.

"On a plane. Why?" Natasha asked confused.

"Someone murdered Wanda and all traces led to you."

Natasha couldn't speak. She slowly sunk down on to her knees. Fury tried to catch her attention and talk to her but she was inconsolable. The one person she cared for was gone. Someone set her up. Natasha hung the phone up and left down to her small apartment she was sharing with Melina.

"Natalia, what's wrong?" The Russian asked as the ginger packed her bags.

"Someone set me up. I need to disappear and find out who's behind this. Stay close to the phone in case I need you." Natasha was quick out the door biding a small goodbye to Melina.

Brian's POV

"So what's the plan?" Daisy asked shoving fries in her mouth.

"I need someone who's really good in investigation. Got anyone in mind?" I ask.

"I'll check S.H.I.E.L.D.'s list for the best one. But why do we need one?" She asked.

"I need someone to find Natasha while i look for any evidence at the crash sight. There's probably something S.H.I.E.L.D. missed. But I need you to do something for me as well," I sat up straighter and leaned closer for her to hear only.

"What is it O'Connor?" She leaned in closer.

"I need you to find out what Fury is hiding about Wanda's death. I don't believe the whole she went AWOL with Natasha story. I need to know what mission she was on."

After lunch I made it back to my house not until I bumped into Madison Lynn. She was a close friend of mine as children.

"Brian!" She spoke cheerfully and walked over to my driveway.

"Hey Mads," I responded accepting her hug.

"How you been?" She asked tilting her head to the side. I deeply exhaled before answering, "I've been better,"

"I'm in a bit of a rush but I hope to see you soon. I've missed you Brian." She smiled at me and gently placed a kiss on my cheek. I watched her walk away to her BMW and drive away. I smiled at contact before heading inside my home. Preparing to find my sisters killer.

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