I don't want to be like this

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While the sheets were in the washing machine Johnnie just sat on the couch staring into space with a blank yet sad expression on his face as Jake soon sat beside him, "I didn't even know zombies could bleed. You okay dude?" Johnnie blinks a few times then speaks, "Yeah I'm fine." Jake nods and goes to walk away when Johnnie starts to speak again, "Actually... I don't know if I'm okay... I never wanted any of this, I was supposed to have a human life." This caused Jake to sit back down and awkwardly put his hand on Johnnies shoulder, "Then I'll make sure that happens. I'll make sure you have a somewhat normal human experience." Johnnie looks at Jake slightly and shrugs, "You don't have to do that…" Jake let's go of his shoulder nodding ad Johnnie spoke again, "Thank you though... That... sounds fun... and definitely interesting."

After awhile Johnnie went down to the laundry matt and picked up his sheets that were nice and clean again. As he walked down the sidewalks he sighs taking in the air, the air had a damp smell as if it were to rain. Thunder crashed loudly about Johnnie causing his ears to ring loudly like a bombs timer. He covered his ears his sheets still in the laundry back but he stumbled a bit almost like he was stabbed in an artery. The ringing sound in his ears were deafening and when he finally made it back to the apartment he fell to his knees curling up in a corner trying to make the ringing stop. When the ringing finally stopped he slowly removed his hands from his ears and he blinks seeing Jake in front of him snapping his fingers.

"Earth to Johnnie?... Oh you're eyes are open good. You alright?"  He asked as Johnnie just blinks a few times before answering. "I don't know... I don't want to be like this... I wasn't supposed some zombie monster!" Johnnie touched his grey pale skin and touch some of the stiff veins in his cheeks, "I'm a lost cause!" He tried not to break down but all the stress was catching up to him on this situation. Jake touched his shoulders, "Hey look at me you're not a monster. Well mentally at least. And I promised I'd give you a normal life possible as I can get... just because you're a zombie doesn't mean you don't have purpose." Johnnie listened and nods slowly and he moves closer to hug Jake, "Thank you..."

Monster man//johnnie guilbert Monster auWhere stories live. Discover now