hollywood is going to kill me

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Jake worked hard to make sure Johnnie's life was as normal as it could be for him to loosen it up he poured some Jack Daniel's into 2 glasses, "So for me to feel human you want me to get drunk?" "No no no. People party and sometimes they drink and that's what we're gonna do" Jake drank his alcohol quickly the turned on the music as Johnnie just took sips staring at him. "Okay okay you need to loosen up... take it like a shot" Jake spoke as Johnnie soon drank quickly then looked at Jake with a slight cough, "Now what?" Jake chuckled at the question and took his hands "We dance duh!"

It took Johnnie a bit to actually learn how to dance decently but they were both hammered so they were dancing up on each other, their minds felt melted from how wasted they were. Jake held Johnnies waist as they danced on each other then blinked a few times then he kissed Johnnie, the alcohol was in control not their logic. Johnnie shakingly kisses back with his hands on Jake's shoulders, "Is ....that kiss supposed to make me feel... alive and normal?" Johnnie asked looking into Jake's eyes, "Let's just check to he sure...." Jake replied leaning in to kiss him again, pulling Johnnie a bit closer by his waist as Johnnie kissed back. They're logic was blinded by the kissing, "Yeah... I think it's supposed to  make you feel alive..." Jake said not wanting to let go. Johnnie nods, "Good because it definitely awakened something there..." He yawns so Jake lays him down on the couxh soon laying close to him so they didn't fall,

As the night passes the sun comes up shinning in Johnnies eyes as he woke up and groaned but as a zombie it didn't sound like a human grown, "Oh my fuck..." He rubbed his head, the hangover had kicked in and he look around noticing Jake laying there with his arm around his waist. Johnnie tried to remember the night before so he moved Jake's arm and got up to get a coffee. When it was Jake's turn to wake up he had some blood on him from Johnnie being a zombie but what bothered him the worst was the hangover, "Oh shit.... what happened last night...?" He asked as Johnnie took a sip of his coffee, "I'm gonna guess something between us I woke up to us cuddling." "You saying I'm bad at cuddling?" Jake teased and got up grabbing a paper towel to clean the blood. Johnnie sighs, "No it was nice actually... just strange for me...  but I feel so gross... is this what hollywood parties are like?" Johnnie asked looking at Jake who soon responded, "Pretty much just with drugs too." Jake cleaned the blood off his face then grabbed a monster from the fridge. "Oh even more reasons for you to get sick later yay.... ugh hollywood is gonna be the death of me..."

Monster man//johnnie guilbert Monster auWhere stories live. Discover now