No dogs allowed

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As I turned to face Klaus, my chair creaked in protest, the sound slicing through the tense atmosphere like a knife. My glare pierced the air, locking onto Klaus with a ferocity that made Elena shift nervously in her seat beside me. Even Elijah, ever the stoic observer, exhaled a resigned sigh as he watched the scene unfold.

"At this point," I spat, my voice laced with venom, "I think I need to invent a Mikaelson repellent."

Klaus, unfazed by my hostile response, chuckled with amusement, his deep laughter echoing through the room. "And why do you need to invent something like that, love?" he asked, his tone dripping with feigned innocence.

My glare intensified, my words a venomous retort. "Because you seem to be allergic to the words 'fuck off.'"

A tense silence hung in the air, broken only by the soft intake of breath from Elena. Even Elijah, ever the composed one, winced slightly at my brazen response.

Klaus, however, merely smiled, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint. "Now, now, love," he purred, his voice low and deceptively calm, "there's no need for such crass language. Especially when we both know how much you enjoy our little verbal sparring matches."

My jaw clenched, a storm of anger and frustration churning within me. I knew Klaus was trying to provoke me, and I refused to give him the satisfaction of rising to his bait. Instead, I inhaled deeply, focusing on Elena's comforting presence beside me, and mustered as much calmness as I could manage.

"If you have something to say, Klaus, then out with it," I said, my tone icy. "We don't have all day to engage in your twisted mind games."

Elena's hand found its way to my arm, her gentle touch a silent plea for restraint. I felt the heat of her fingers through the fabric of my sleeve, a soothing presence amidst the brewing storm. Drawing a deep breath, I attempted to rein in my anger, knowing that any reckless move could have dire consequences for those I held dear.

"I believe what my brother means to say," Elijah interjected, his tone conciliatory, "is that we are here to address a matter of mutual concern. Our intentions are not to further provoke your ire, but rather to seek a solution to a pressing issue."

I scoffed, leaning back in my chair as I crossed my arms over my chest. "And what issue would that be? Or should I brace myself for yet another round of Mikaelson manipulations?"

Elijah, having reached his limit, stepped in to defuse the situation. "Niklaus, enough," he scolded, his tone leaving no room for argument. Turning to Cassandra, he used the name she told him to address her by name that held both power and darkness. "Miss Pandora, forgive my younger brother's rudeness and mine. We did not mean to disturb your day, but a situation has arisen that requires your attention."

I was sensing the shift in the conversation, feigned innocence. "Oh?" I asked, batting her eyelashes with mock curiosity. Despite my act, i was well aware of the reason for their intrusion—the affliction that had befallen Rebekah - and the possibility that my own powers might hold the key to saving her

Oh, and what problem is so dire that you have to interrupt me and my sister day?" I asked, my tone dripping with indifference. Despite the urgency in Elijah's words, i seemed unaffected, almost bored by the intrusion.

Klaus observed Cassandra's nonchalant demeanor, his frustration mounting as he realized that her indifference was not a facade. Her eyes, typically filled with fire and passion, were now cold and detached. The apathy she displayed was a stark contrast to the fear and admiration he was accustomed to receiving from others.

Irritation bloomed in Klaus's heart, for he was unaccustomed to being dismissed so casually. His ego bristled at the notion that someone could be so unaffected by his presence, so uninterested in currying favor with him. The indifference in Cassandra's gaze bothered him more than he cared to admit, a thorn in his side that he was determined to remove.

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