choreography and photography

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Mingi's POV

Today was our first official photoshoot. We doing pictures for pirate king and treasure. I was sitting in the studio as a staff styled my hair and did my makeup.

We did the treasure shoot first so they used hair wax to color my hair a bright red. As they styled my hair Wooyoung took pictures and recorded us.

I posed for some pictures and through most of the process. Once they were finally done I changed into my treasure outfit and waited where the photos would be taken.

Hongjoong was currently getting his picture took and others occasionally joining him. After everyone took solo pictures we did group ones.

It was fun doing this until I realized we had another shoot to do so I sighed. I liked the pictures though so I didn't complain too much. BUT knowing this would be public made my stomach do a backflip.

After the treasure photoshoot we did choreography runs for it. We recorded like 5 different videos just to keep 2 of them. During break time I sat in the make up studio and drank water while waiting to be turned a different pretty.

After 10 minutes it was my turn to be transformed into a pirate. I loved my look and by the time It was done half of the group was dressed.

I quickly went to change so we could get pictures done and over with. I mainly liked going over the dance and choreo. It's like my own little safe space, I lose myself to the music. The music would engulf me and I'd jump into the realm of song I'd do every step near perfect.

After choreo I took some extra pictures of myself while still in the pirate king out. We changed back into our regular clothes 30 minutes later but couldn't leave yet. We had to do an after shoot interview with the staff and each other.

I was bored out of my mind. I would bother other people until it was my turn to talk. They expect me to sit still in one spot for 15-35 minutes? Completely wrong and unknown if you ask me.

At one point they asked if we were toys what would we be. I would be a fidget toy because it's fun to mess around but I get bored of it easily and quickly.

People giggled at my answer but at least I didn't say a giant toy dinosaur. Hongjoong thinks he's big and bad when in reality he's a toy chicken that squeaks. After that question the interview flew by because everything else was fun questions.

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