🤍A new feeling❄️

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Zeph's Pov:

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Zeph's Pov:

After that horrible argument in the house, I left with my friends to go snowboarding, and I was able to forget about the argument. Instead, I wanted to focus on the moment. On our way there, Scarlett was playing music, and all three of us were singing and jamming to it. I had so much fun with them.

When we arrived at Mountain's peak, there were a lot of people there, which made me a little worried because I had to make sure I got the double cork right. We got our equipment ready and started practicing.

"Okay, I'm going to attempt to do it today, and I'm feeling as confident as ever," I said, smiling.

My friends were both smiling at me, and there were also more people watching.

"I'm recording you!" Lee said.

"Recording me fail? Good luck with that," I said, laughing.

As I stood at the top of the mountain, I took a deep breath and visualized the trick I was about to attempt. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I gazed out at the slope below, the lights of the resort illuminating the darkness. I nodded to myself, mentally preparing for the challenge ahead.

With a burst of speed, I launched myself off the edge, soaring through the air as I rotated twice while flipping my board. Time seemed to slow down as I executed the double cork, my heart pounding in my chest. I could feel the weightlessness, the rush of the wind, and the thrill of the night air. As I descended, I extended my arms and legs, landing with precision and control. The moment my board touched the snow, I knew I had nailed it.

"That was insane!" Scarlett exclaimed, high-fiving me.

"You killed it, Zephyrine!" Lee added, patting me on the back.

A bystander nearby chimed in, "If this is just her practicing, imagine what she'll bring to the competition!"

Someone also yelled "that's Isabelle's daughter dude!!"

I felt elated, knowing that all my hard work and dedication had paid off. As I took in the moment, basking in the praise of the crowd, I knew that this was what I lived for – the thrill of the ride, the rush of adrenaline, and the sense of accomplishment that came with pushing myself to new heights.

My friends were beaming with pride and suggested we head to my house for a sleepover, complete with hot chocolate, a movie, and quality time together.

*20 minutes later*

"What's got you girls so excited?" my dad asked, curious.

Scarlett pulled out her phone and showed him the video of me nailing the double cork. My dad's eyes lit up, and he gave me a tight hug.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetie! You're just like your mom - I love this!" He exclaimed.

"Thanks dad!" I said smiling back at him.

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