🤍she melts my ice❄️

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Cassidy's Pov:

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Cassidy's Pov:

As I rode in the car with my mom, I couldn't help but smile and think about how sweet Zephyrine had been with me through the breakup with Ben. I realized that despite our past rivalry, we could actually be friends. I felt a sense of gratitude towards her for being there for me.

"Why the lovey-dovey eyes and smile? I thought you'd be heartbroken about Ben?" my mom asked, noticing my smile.

"I don't know, Mom...I guess I'm just happy to be moving on from all that drama," I replied, trying to downplay my true feelings.

Mom nodded understandingly. "I told you Ben wasn't right for you. You deserve so much better."

"Yeah...you're always right, I guess," I replied hesitantly.

Mom smiled and said, "I'm glad you're actually friends with Zephyrine. That's the best decision you ever made"

I nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of hope for our newfound friendship. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.

Once we arrived at Zephyrine's I thought she was going to just watch us skate but she walked out holding a pair of skates. At first I was skeptical because she's just so good at everything and I started overthinking, mom is probably going to start comparing me or say how good she is but I shoved off those thoughts, I just wanted to have a good time with her.

When she entered the car mom was smiling at her and gave her a hug.

"Everyday you look more and more like Isabelle it's surprising" mom said to her in shock.

"Thank you. That's actually a great compliment" she said smiling.

As we rode in the car, Mom and Zephyrine chatted enthusiastically, sharing stories and laughter. I couldn't help but notice how much Mom admired Zephyrine, and I felt a pang of envy. They seemed to have so much in common, and I wished I had the same easy relationship with Mom.

Mom praised Zephyrine for mastering the Double Cork: "You're an amazing snowboarder and skier, Zephyrine!"

Zephyrine responded with humility: "It wasn't easy, but if you keep trying, you can achieve anything."

Mom nodded in agreement, looking at me with a smile: "I'm hoping the same for my daughter on the ice."

"The triple axel is a tough jump, but Cass is talented and smart. I know she'll nail it," Zeph added.

Zephyrine gave me an encouraging smile: "You got this, Cass!"

I smiled back at her, feeling a sense of happiness and connection. I wished I had connected with Zephyrine sooner, but I was glad we were on that path now. As we continued driving, I felt a sense of hope for our friendship and a growing appreciation for Zephyrine's kindness and humility.

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