to escape

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You nervously followed Miss Circle's instructions and settled into the chair. Your back stiffened, hands resting on your thighs, feeling like you were sitting on pins and needles. The gap between you was just the width of a table, yet your heart pounded in your throat. Miss Circle gave you an enigmatic once-over, casually pulling out her chair and sitting down with feline grace. Her compass tapped the ground lightly, and in your mind, it exploded like thunder. Was she planning to mess with you? Or maybe torment you slowly? Heck, was she even considering devouring you? You couldn't help but gasp, quickly stifling it, but you still felt like a startled deer. She seemed to find your distress amusing, a wicked smile playing on her lips, before finally getting to the point: 'YN, do you realize you've been slipping lately? Your average used to be an A, but now it's dropped to a B, and that worries me.' You were taken aback; recently, the school's troubles had left you mentally drained, and your studies had naturally suffered. You quickly apologized, 'I'm sorry, Miss Circle. I'll work hard to bring it back up...' 'Good to know,' she interrupted, leaning forward, arms resting on the table, and getting closer. You could feel her breath. Her sharp claws lifted your chin, grazing your neck, leaving a bloody trail. Blood oozed out, and you saw the bloodlust in her eyes. It hurt... Your eyes reflected her shadow, despair spreading. Tears welled up as you choked, ready to accept your impending doom. But the expected pain didn't come. She seemed satisfied, like she'd toyed with her prey enough. Her eyes narrowed, though to you, they appeared terrifying. She leaned back into her seat, crossing her legs, and chuckled, 'Keep working hard, or the punishment will be even worse next time.' You took a deep breath, clutching the injured area on your neck, still in shock. Miss Circle admired your beautiful despair silently, not saying a word. After a few seconds, you finally managed to respond, 'O-okay, I will...' You staggered to your feet, supported by the table, and fled her office.

She appeared slightly displeased, not eager to let you escape too quickly. But it didn't matter; her purpose had been achieved. You were more intriguing than she had imagined. She delightedly tapped her fingertips, catching the scent of your blood. The urge to devour you was real. 'Keep striving,' she said, 'to escape from here.'

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