puppy 1

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Unofficially, Oliver is Miss Circle's son

pretty sick, consider before reading

Be their dog if you love them


"Yn—I'm home!"

The youth's cry shatters the room's silence, your nostrils twitching, eyes ablaze.

You stumble into Oliver's embrace, thankful you didn't fall before reaching him."

He grinned while gently stroking your head, his voice adopting a playful, pet-like tone.

'Who's the sweetest little pup?'

'I...I am,' you replied hesitantly.

Though you didn't fully grasp the meaning, the promise of a reward made obedience worthwhile.

Oliver narrowed his eyes, a subtle darkness lurking beneath his smile.

'Alright then, I'll whip up some pizza. Be a good pup and wait for me, my little darling.'

You've been a part of Oliver and Miss Circle's household for as long as you can remember. Initially, you were like a newborn, innocent and clueless, your interactions limited to these two figures. They labeled you as their 'puppy,' expecting unwavering compliance to their whims. You didn't comprehend fully, but understood disobedience brought consequences.

You loathed the consequences

Be obedient, and you'll be rewarded with everything you desire.

You are 'owned' by them, with every action, every thought, completely under their control.

Remember, you are theirs.

But let's get to the point. Your past is a blur, with your earliest memories starting around age 19, but you're not bothered by it.

After all, all that matters is them.

The aroma fills the air, stirring excitement within you, yet you remain still, obediently kneeling. You dare not move without command, despite your stomach rumbling with hunger."

Oliver approached you, pizza in hand, gracefully lowering himself to your level. With a soft smile, he placed a small, white pill on his tongue and teased,

"Time for your medicine. Once you've taken it, pizza time?"


Reluctantly, you leaned in for a kiss, Oliver's touch always leaving you breathless. The bitter pill slid down your throat unnoticed, a small trade-off for the promise of pizza.

As the kiss ended, you blushed, catching your breath, your gaze eagerly fixed on the pizza.

Oliver chuckled softly, resigned, as he handed you the pizza. You eagerly savored the fiery-hot food, your hands trembling with excitement.


Your mind plunged into chaos, the usual aftermath of swallowing your medication, which typically left you in a bewildered state for around half an hour.

But that was nothing new—you've grown accustomed to it.

In a fog, you heard the door creak open and caught snippets of Miss Circle's voice. Instinctively, you shuffled toward the sound.

"Y/n always looks so precious after taking their medicine..."

Miss Circle tenderly lifted you, her touch oddly cold yet comforting. Finding a cozy spot, you drifted into a deep, serene slumber.


I'll be updating more chapters on this premise. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments

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