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is it too soon to say that wednesday reached? well.. it did. what about it!

to beomgyu, today was just a normal day just nothing planned. but to taehyun.. it was a day to make up for last time!

beomgyu exited class, ready to go home and rest.

until he was stopped by somebody.

"gyu hyung, where are you going?" a familiar voice tugged his sleeve. he froze in place, whipping his head around.

ah.. it was taehyun. what could he possibly be asking that for? "home..?" he looked at him, his head tilted. taehyun's smile faltered.

"to change right? for today?" taehyun looked at him with big and hopeful eyes.

what the hell is taehyun talking about. what's today??

let's give him a moment to think.




"yeah! i am. don't worry, i didn't forget." he grinned, lying through his teeth. "let me get my stuff ready and i'll meet you there?"

"i can drive you."


"you have a car?" beomgyu looked at him in surprise. taehyun brushed it off and nodded.

"yeah, i don't really use it tho. i like walking."


"i learn something new about you like, every week.." beomgyu scratched his head. "sure, let's use your car."

and that's how they ended up in taehyun's car. beomgyu was holding on for life because taehyun was speeding through the freeway.

"w-where are we going? this is NOT where i live!!"

"my house. i have to get something first. is that ok with you?" taehyun asked. why is he even asking still? they're already on the way anyways.

"yeah... i-i guess.." he closed his eyes.

taehyun looked over, smirking. "too fast for princess?" beomgyu shot open his eyes to glare at him. taehyun sped up, almost giving beomgyu backlash.

"yes, yes, holy shit! slow down!" beomgyu shut his eyes, holding onto his seatbelt like his life depended on it. taehyun chuckled and slowed down, only because they were entering his neighborhood.

taehyun put his right hand on beomgyu's thigh, "sorry, princess," he said swerving into his driveway. sadly, he lifted his hand away from beomgyu's thigh to put his hand up for the car behind him.


"stop calling me that." beomgyu rolled his eyes playfully. taehyun just smiled and parked.

"i have to get something real quick, can you wait here for a minute? it's just a bag with all the stuff we'll need for the hang out today." he said, telling beomgyu everything even though he didn't ask. beomgyu nodded, watching taehyun jog up his porch and fumble with his keys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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