Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Declan's POV

The only reason I am even in this disgusting club is because of the gang. I am pretty sure that my shoes have caught a serious case of gonorrhea since I have stepped into this god for saken building. The smell of sweat and alcohol are burning my nose and making my face contort in aggravation and disgust. I can't wait to leave; I just have to make sure that the weapons drop goes successfully. The boys nor the other gang even know I am here, I decided to spy and make sure that I can trust my boys to do this on their own so that they can do more business transactions like this in the future without me. Since the gang is bigger it is getting harder for me to show up for drops like this. I just have too much to worry about and to have a team whose job is specifically weapon drops would be great for me and the gang.

I felt as if someone was watching me, I could feel a hard gaze on the side of my face. Thinking maybe I wasn't as sneaky with this spying thing I decided to look around. I turn and look towards the direction but instead of eyes like I was expecting, I see the most beautiful woman. She's tall well over 6ft even without those shoes she is wearing; her tan skin seems to make her green eyes even brighter. Her stance along with her eyes remind me of a cat, graceful yet deadly. I can see a hint of ink dance across her collar bone and know that she is probably covered in art just like me. Her lean body was obstructed from my view by a bouncing bubbly blonde, who looked to be a foot shorter than my unnamed beauty. I saw her face light up in happiness as the blonde began to talk to her, and a part of me wished that she would smile at me like that. Suddenly she grabbed the blonde by the arm and they both started to make their way towards me. I was hopeful that once we made I contact that she would try to start up a conversation with me. Not to be cocky or anything but I know that I am a very attractive man, and most of the time I don't even have to ask a girl to come home with me she would just follow me home to please me. But as she neared me she looked me over and smirked and then walked away. Me being the guy I am saw this as an invitation to follow her and maybe I would be lucky enough to go home with her tonight. But as I exited the club I saw my beauty taking off towards her car like as if she was running away from me, and before I knew it she was speeding away flipping me off. I can't believe it! She totally just fucking led me on!

And not only did she lead me on but she totally made me forget the whole reason I was even at this club anyway. Cursing I walked back in to see if I could still watch the drop happen, only to be disappointed when I saw the boys leaving from the back of the club with big smiles on their faces and bags of money. So I'm guessing the drop went well, my mood cheering up a bit I decided it would be a good idea if I just me the gang at the mansion and celebrated with them there.

Jumping on to my Harley, I drove away from the club knowing that it would be the last time I would ever be there. As the wind cut threw my t-shirt, I realized that I want that girl. And I'm going to get her, whether she likes it or not. A smile grew upon my face as I revved the engine taking off towards the gang house, thinking that the beautiful women will be mine soon.


~ Tell me what you guys think. I'll be posting more often until July 20-30 because I will be out of the country. Hope you like it!!!!



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