Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Sapphires POV

             I awake to banging on my bedroom door, "Saph! If you don't turn that fucking alarm clock off, I will come in there and shave your head!" I shoot out of bed as fast as possible knowing that Marietta will make well on her promise, "There it's off, you happy?" I ask her through the closed door. "I would be happier if you actually woke up with the first alarm and not the fifteenth, I don't even understand why you are up, you don't have class till 10, I would be sleeping in if I were you." She says barging into my room and heading for my closet. "I have to go for a run with Falcon before class you know that." I mumble, rolling my eyes as I walk into my bathroom to brush my teeth. "Ew, mornings and exorcise, if you weren't my best friend I would be convinced that you are a psychopath. Wait, I am your best friend and I still think you're a psychopath." She says coming into the doorway with some of my clothes in her arms. "I am wearing these today." She informs me before turning around and heading out of my room, not giving me a chance to argue with her. I just shake my head used to her antics, and head to my closet to pick out an outfit for my self. I throw on a mustard yellow Adidas crop top sweatshirt, black Adidas leggings, and matching yellow Adidas sport sneakers. (I have this thing about matching athletic brands with each other.) I throw my hair up with a floral scruntchie, then I start looking around my room for Falcon's things, I go to the draws that I have setup near my door that have nothing but his stuff in it, and look through the collar drawer for one that will match my outfit, once I find the perfect one, I go to his travel drawer and pick out a portable water bottle along with poop bags. I find his cross body leash and clip those things to it, looking around I grab my headphones and phone and start heading out of my room calling Falcon to follow me. Once we are both ready, we head out of the dorm and onto the street heading towards the city center to start the run off.

             We ran through the city park where I let him be off leash for a while before I decided it was time to head back towards the city where I would pick up some breakfast at a local coffee shop before heading back to the dorm. Once we arrived at the coffee shop, I knew from previous times of being there that it was dog friendly so me and Falcon just walked right in, I am pretty glad that it was chilly today because I didn't sweat very much, meaning I wasn't going to be stinky while I ate my breakfast. I heard the door chime ring behind me as someone entered the shop, but I didn't bother turning around to look at them just focused on what I wanted for breakfast. "Hi Saph, what can I get for you and Falcon this morning?" asked Jake, the very nice barista that was here every morning me and Falcon came in, and quickly also became a good friend of mine. " I think I want a large iced white chocolate mocha annnddd.... A bagel with cream cheese. Falcon will have the usual." I say looking down at my puppy and smiling when he had his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth an wagging his tail knowing that he would be receiving a treat. "Of course! That will be 8.55, and I will bring it to you when it's ready." I smile and pay him and head towards our usual table by the floor to ceiling windows with a view of the city. I almost didn't notice the other dog in the shop, but Falcon did as soon as we turned around and immediately wanted to play. "Falcon, NO. Focus!" I said sternly looking down at him, he looked up at me and made eye contact as we passed the other dog with no issues, I wanted to do a little dance. When I decided to take on training Falcon all on my own I didn't know how difficult it would actually be. But we are making a lot of progress and he now is a gentleman with very good manners, and listens to every command that I give him.

            We sit at our regular table and I get Falcon to lie down next to me and wait for our food to come out. I take this time to look on social media, and it's all the same drama about who fucked the same frat boy or pictures of people trying to make everyone think that their life is perfect. Quickly becoming bored with fake people, I turned my attention out the window and just people watched, I noticed a homeless man down the street trying to stay warm and in the sun. I noticed a mom trying to get her kids on the school bus, but the two younger ones where clinging to her like Velcro. I noticed businessmen and women rushing around trying to make it to work on time. But I didn't notice anyone else like me, stopping to breathe and look around and take the world in. My thoughts are interrupted by Jake coming up to the table and dropping of my food and bending down to give Falcon his piece of chicken and whip cream cup. I expect him to smile and leave like he usually does but he surprises me by sitting down in the chair across from me leans in closer to me. "Thanks Jake, what's up?" I ask taking a sip of my coffee. " There was a guy that came in behind you, the one with the dog that you passed, he hasn't taken his eyes off of you, since he walked into the shop. I wanted to let you know because you seem completely oblivious to his attention." Jake whispers to me looking kind of concerned for my well-being. My eyebrows furrow and I don't even attempt to look around only catching a glimpse of a large figure out of the corner of my eye. "Well, will you tell him if he wants a conversation all he has to do is come and sit down and talk." I tell him and smirk when he's a little taken back and shocked at my response. "I don't know Saph, what if he is a crazy stalker or serial killer?" Jake says looking over at the guy with suspicion. "What is he going to do in the middle of a coffee shop Jake?" I ask raising a brow at my worried friend. "Okay, but if he kills you I am telling everyone at the trial that I told you so, you know since I will be a key witness and I will kill you again if I have to go into the witness protection program. How the hell am I supposed to go on dates or hook up with strangers in witness protection?" He says standing up and kissing me on the four head as he passes, I chuckle at him being so dramatic.

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