Love Like This Chapter 1

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        The darkness of the room was overwhelming; the floor shook from the vibrations of not only the music but also the teenagers dancing. If you could even call it that. There were so many of them that each persons scent of cologne, perfume, and sweat invaded my scenes making it hard to breath, because the mixture was an awful one that could rival the smell of a dumpster baking in the hot summer sun or even the dump that the dumpster lead to. Every so often there would be a flash of light that gave a glimpse to the secrets that the teenagers kept, but let loose in this very spot. Boys and girls, boys and boys, and girls and girls were grinding on each other trying to release the pressure that was building up within them. Temptation, the name of the club I was currently standing in, certainly lived up to its name, drawing in crowds upon crowds of rebelling teens that just want to let loose.  Every second that passes of this pointless misery, I keep asking myself why am I even here in the first place? I could be at home snuggled up with my dog, Boe, watching Netflix, and eating my entire body weight in junk food.  The sad part is that I could have said no, but I’m the kind of person that can never say no to anyone, especially my friends. When Arabella begged me to come with her I just couldn’t say no. Arabella is one of my best friends and probably the most innocent in the group. She stands at a staggering height of five feet two inches, with long wavy blonde hair, pale white skin, and big doe blue eyes she just screams innocence, and I couldn’t let her be taken advantage of if she came here alone. You see Arabella has never done any thing wrong in her entire life, so when she kept hearing the stories of all the crazy things that my friends and I have gotten into and have done, she wanted a story for herself. And that is how I ended standing in a corner of the club leant up against the wall, sipping on a flat beer, staring at these strangers in disgust. Now it may seem like I’m anti social, but I’m really not, I just hate this place. I have been here for two hours now and my eyes haven’t really left Arabella. Wow that makes me sound like a creepy stalker.

I huff out a sigh as I look down at my high heeled lace up combat boots. I don’t really need the heel since I’m 6’1, but the taller I am the more intimidating I am and I love it. And in this moment I am the most intimidating person here with my height, tan skin, long black hair, piercing green eyes that glare at anyone who walks by, a slightly muscular body thanks to my many years of sports; this was all finished of with a leather jacket that fit me perfectly covering up my inked skin. I’m guessing that my body screams danger since no one will come within a ten foot radius of me. I chuckle when I see Arabella dancing around like a five year old that looks to be using dance moves that are way too old for her. But it’s nice to see her letting loose for once instead of being a tight ass about every thing.  Since she is letting loose tonight I’m thinking about talking her into getting a tattoo but knowing her she will still refuse. Her parents would not only kill her but me also. They are your all American rich pricks, working too much to even pay attention to their only daughter, but then at the same time still expecting her to be picture perfect.  Arabella and I have been best friends since elementary school, when I kicked her bullies ass for pulling on her pigtails we have been attached at the hip ever since.

As I look around this appalling club, searching for danger lurking in the corners that could some how harm Arabella, I spot a man in the corner across from me in the same position as me no one going any where near him. I can see the woman around him undressing him with their eyes but not daring to step any closer to the beast of a man. This makes me think that he must be really attractive. I can’t see his face because of the dark lighting in the club but he appears to be round 6’8 and packed with muscle, I can see glimpses of raven black hair along with a tight fitted leather jacket.  I saw him turning and start to look my way like he can since my gaze on him so I hurriedly look away back towards Arabella. She came bounding over towards me completely cutting my view from the mysterious man in the corner. She was jumping up and down the excitement dancing in her eyes.

“Sapphire! This is the best night everrrrr!” she slurred falling into me as she through her hands in the air. I let out a throaty chuckle as she lost her balance and almost fell on the ground but I caught her at the last second.

“Okay free bird I think its time to head home.” I told her watching as she pouted but nodded her head any way leaning on me as I began to make my way towards the exit and towards the mysterious man carrying my best along with me. As we start to walk past the man he looked up and I locked eyes with him. His eyes were a smoldering grey filled with what seemed like storm clouds that were rolling and on the break of an on coming storm. He didn’t break eye contact so I let a sly smirk place itself upon my lips and gave him a wink before completely passing him and exiting the door not once looking back, but I was able to feel his smoldering gaze on my back until the door slammed shut behind me and Arabella.

Jumping into my baby which was a slick black 1965 Mustang I blared music and sped out of the parking lot tires screeching and leaving behind a dust trail where my car once was. As I looked into the rearview mirror I saw the man with grey eyes staring after my car with a frown etched upon his perfect face. I laughed flicking him the bird and accelerating my car even more to the point where it was going 100 mph. I did this because I had a feeling it would piss the man off. And that’s one thing about me I love to piss people off. I have this feeling that it won’t be the last time that I see this mysterious man.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN: Hey this is my new book please comment and vote if you like it and want me to continue.


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