Chapter 3

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Sapphire's POV

Once Arabella and I arrived back at our dorm, I helped her undress and get into her bed, not forgetting to place the trashcan, water, and medicine next to her. I left her room and headed towards the living room were I saw Falcon my nine-month-old German shepherd sleeping on the couch. I sat down next to him and he immediately curled into me, I took this moment to look around our dorm it's bigger than your average dorm room and was set up more like an apartment. It had four bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, and a bathroom and each bedroom. Usually there is supposed to be two girls per room, however the Dean of students is friends with Arabella's parents and arranged it so that me, Arabella, Marietta, and Chloe could all have our own rooms, he also arranged it so that Falcon could stay with us. I guess that's the perks of having rich politicians as parents.

As I turn on the TV and watch reruns of Criminal Minds, my own mind wanders to the mystery man from the club. He was the most beautiful man I have ever seen, however I knew that he would be nothing but trouble for me. I have had enough trouble in my life and just need to keep my head down and get my degree. I am in my junior year of college and I am studying to become a biologist. After I get my degree I have no idea what I am going to do with it, oh well I have always been spontaneous. I hear a ping from my phone and see that I have a text message from Ben, he's tall, blonde, and is a business major. He's super nice and makes me laugh, and we have been on a few dates now, however I feel like he is just missing something. I sigh and look at the text.

BEN: How was the club?

ME: It was fine Ara had a great time.

BEN: I bet I could have made it a great time for you. ;)

I roll my eyes at his middle school attempt at flirting with me but respond back nicely as to not to damage his ego.

ME: Well I'm sure you could have. J But it was a girls night and I needed to be there for Ara and make sure that she was having a good time.

BEN: well now that I assume you are home do you want to come over? We can drink and watch a movie!

Ugh, I am not in the mood for a late night booty call for mister perfect...

ME: I'm sorry, I really wish I could but I have a page to read, then I need to go to bed, I have a test in Ichthyology tomorrow morning.

BEN: oh okay, well goodnight then, see you tomorrow.

ME: night.

Falcon's head pops up as I hear movement coming from down the hall. I look up to see Marietta walking down the hallway in nothing but a oversized t-shirt and underwear, her 5'8 form stumbling along, and I laugh as she runs into the door of the bathroom that was left halfway open. "Shut up bitch," she says "what are you doing up anyway?" Her blue eyes make contact with my green ones and I can't help but smile at her glare, she is not a morning person and even though it's not morning she hates to be woken up. "Just got back from the club with Ara and figure I relax while watching serial killers prey on poor unsuspecting sorority girls." I tell her while turning my attention back to the TV. " Considering that we are all sorority girls you would think that it would be unsettling for you, but I get it." She says smiling and sitting next to me on the couch her tan legs glowing in the light of the TV, her dirty blonde hair resembling a surfer girls, and that paired up with the tan skin and blue eyes, everyone always assumes she is from California, not knowing that she is half Puerto Rican, her high cheek bones being the only clue at her exotic heritage. "I have to learn for the day that I finally snap and kill all the sisters that I can't stand," I say smiling at her and laughing a little. " But all of these people get caught, so I don't know how successful you would be." She laughs loudly. "Damn, I guess I can't do it then. Which fucking sucks, because there are at least three girls that I can think right off the top of my head that would be the first to go. " She giggles at me nodding her head. " Did I wake you up? I'm sorry if I did, I didn't mean to." I say apologetically. "No you didn't I had to get up to go to the bathroom and heard the TV on and came out to see who was up. I am actually surprised that you are here, I figured that you would of dropped Arabella off and high tailed it towards Ben's house." She says wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Ughhhhh!" I groan throwing my head back. "Just because we have been on a couple of dates doesn't mean we are dating and need to spend every waking second with each other." She laughs at my obvious discomfort, "Hey I'm not judging I know that you have your hoe tendencies and commitment issues I'm not judging, you just have been spending more time with him and I figured that's where you would head after the club." She says throwing her hands in the air and shrugging. "Plus I can tell that he is not really your type. He's... I can't really put a finger on it." She exclaims putting her finger on her chin thinking through it. "He's like too simple, or too clean, more like too boring for you. He's all white picket fence with three kids and you are more like motorcycles, tattoos, and twelve dogs." She says laughing. I laugh along with her shaking my head, "This is why I love you so much." I tell her leaning over to hug her, then laying my head in her lap as she begins to play with my hair. We haven't been friends as long as Arabella and I have been but we might as well have been. Half the time I swear she knows me better than Arabella, Marietta has always just gotten me, no judgment, we became friends freshman year of college when her roommate became one of my sorority sisters and we made her tag along with us and then she became a sister that following spring, me and her are always attached at the hip when we aren't in classes. She is like my soul mate friendship wise anyway. "I am just afraid I am going to die alone with those twelve dogs." I halfway joke as I stare at the TV.

"Hey you are beautiful, and any man would be lucky to have you, there just hasn't been one with big enough balls to put up with you. If in ten years you don't have a man to settle down with, I will put a ring on that finger." She says seriously grabbing my chin and making me look at her. I love hanging out with her she just always makes me smile and feel better about myself. "Well I'm looking forward to it, but I have a feeling that Enzo would probably have a problem with that." I say referring to her long-term boyfriend that worships the ground she walks on. He will probably be proposing to her soon, they have been dating for two years. "Fuck him. If he has a problem with it he can choke, my best friend comes first." She says making me almost fall off the couch from laughter. "Be nice to him, that man kisses the ground that you walk on." I say petting Falcon who is still curled up next to me. " Yeah, yeah. Well if you are good I'm going to bed I have an eight am tomorrow and I need as much sleep as possible so I can refrain from killing someone." She yawns, standing up and stretching. I smack her butt playfully and tell her goodnight as I stand up as well. She heads down the hallway towards her room, while I head to the kitchen to get a drink. "Come on Falcon, lets go to bed." I tell my puppy, he huffs at me but gets up from the couch anyway, stretching and heading to my room. I get in and change in the dark, into a large t-shirt and clean underwear, then face plant into my bed and pass out from exhaustion. Last thing that I think of is how I wish I was with that mysterious man right now, and not my dog snoring into the back of my neck.


Thanks guys sorry for not posting updates but I should be posting regular updates from now on.

- Sierra. 

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