Chapter Two

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Mazi - 

I'm already sweating and I've only been walking on this damn treadmill for half a mile. The only thing keeping me going is the promise of free coffee. I'm used to tinkering, messing with things that need to be fixed, with the occasional wrenching on machines and cars. My version of working out is definitely not being in this large ass room filled from floor to ceiling with mirrors and trying not to accidentally make awkward eye contact with strangers.

"You should have brought music so you had something to distract you." Fucking Cass.

Looking to my left, where she is walking on her treadmill, I make a face showing my true displeasure and simply state, "What I should have brought is alcohol."

I swivel my head back straight and look back at the treadmill. Cass informs me there is only a quarter mile further until the 'warm up' is complete.

Do it for the coffee Mazi, the coffee is worth it.

"So what is next after we get off these death machines?"

"Well," Cass starts, "after this, we will be doing lower body and back, I'll need you to spot me on a few things. Don't worry about that too much though, I mostly need you to stand there in case I have a hard time lifting something or setting it down properly."

I hold back a groan and start accepting my fate.

Upon nearly finishing our walk we noticed a couple of guys walk through the entrance. Two to be precise. One of their faces I recognize instantly.

"What a coinkidink that Carter is here tonight hmm? I distinctly remember you saying earlier that you knew he wasn't going to be here tonight.." I purse my lips in my best friend's direction and roll my tongue in front of my teeth while trying not to laugh at the look of pure shock on her face.

"I promise you, I genuinely did not know he was coming to the gym tonight. He usually isn't here on Saturdays?" She can't take her eyes off him until his form disappears behind the men's locker room door.

"Mhm, I'll choose to believe you this time. Can we please move on to the next part of this, I already want to go home."

She responds with a quick nod and we gather our things and head to the next station together.

"Okay, so this one isn't too complicated. It's just squats with the bar lying across your shoulders. Watch my form as I do it, I don't want you hurting yourself and have an excuse to get out of this."

My head nods in understanding and I take a long swig from my water bottle. Cass sets her weights and starts her reps. I'm pretty sure she asked me to count along with her to make sure she doesn't miss one but I got distracted about three seconds in.

Eh, fuck it. Reps aren't that important right?

Like a magnet, Cass's head turns once the men's locker room doors open. Out comes Carter and one other guy and they part ways. Carter immediately starts stretching and doing what I can only assume is his definition of a warm-up and the stranger who was goes behind the employee counter and takes a seat on a stool, promptly starting up a computer. The employee who was originally at the computer beside him, grabs his bag and waves a quick goodbye before exiting the building.

Carter starts walking towards us and Cass begins sweating bullets. It's quite comical to watch her freak out that her gym crush is walking in our direction.

"Hey, Cass and friend! How are y'all doing this fine night?"

I swear Cass about faints mid-squat. She quickly puts the bar full of weights down and attempts to catch her breath. Me, being so kind in nature, I pick up the conversation to give her a chance to not sound like she's dying when she responds.

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