Chapter 8

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In a new illusion created by FACELESS, Amy suddenly found herself in a morgue. The freezing cold of the room made her shiver, and the sterile smell of disinfectant stung her nostrils. She knew she should look for a silver pendant, but the thought of searching through the bodies filled her with horror.As she cautiously moved forward, she came across a stretcher on which lay a body covered in a white sheet. She hesitated for a moment, then, taking a deep breath, she lifted the sheet.

 A muffled cry escaped her as she backed away, her heart racing.She rushed out of the room, trying to escape the sight of the body. She found herself in front of an elevator and, without thinking, pressed the call button.As the elevator doors opened, a lady appeared. She was dressed in a simple dress and wore a red bracelet on her wrist. She looked at Amy worriedly and said, "A red bracelet like this may be more useful than you think."Amy blinked, surprised. What did this statement mean? And how would that help her find the silver pendant? As these questions swirled through her head, she realized that despite the illusions and fears, she must continue to fight for the truth.Amy looked at the lady, her eyes fixing on the red bracelet. "What do you mean ?" she asked, her voice shaking.The lady smiled gently. "This bracelet is a talisman, a guide for those lost in the illusions of FACELESS. It can help you see through the illusions and find what you are looking for.

"Amy nodded, understanding. She reached out and took the lady's bracelet. Putting it on her wrist, she felt a wave of heat invade her. She looked around and saw that the morgue was gone, replaced by a large mansion. She entered the mansion, her eyes scanning the many rooms. She walked towards a small room at the back of the mansion. Inside she saw a silver box on a table. She opened it and inside she found the silver pendant she was looking for.As she held the pendant in her hand, she felt great satisfaction. 

She had managed to overcome her fears and find what she was looking for. She now knew that she had the strength to fight against FACELESS and seek the truth, no matter what obstacles she encountered. With the pendant in hand and the red bracelet on her wrist, Amy prepared to face FACELESS . She knew she still had a long way to go, but she was ready to face whatever came her way. She had found new determination and was ready to fight for the truth. She knew she would never be the same again. She was ready to face FACELESS and seek the truth. As Amy stood in the mansion, holding the silver pendant tightly, she felt a sinister presence behind her. She slowly turned around and was confronted with a vision of horror.

 It was an entity, an abomination that defied human description. His face was an abysmal void, a complete absence of features that was more terrifying than any monstrosity imaginable.He pointed a finger at Amy, a finger that seemed to be made of shadow and smoke, and his voice echoed, a low growl that seemed to come from the depths of the earth itself: "The pendant... It belongs to me. "Amy stepped back, her heart racing. "Who are you ?" she asked, her voice barely audible.The entity laughed, a laugh that seemed to fill the air with cold and darkness. "I am FACELESS," he said. "And you, Amy, are in my world now."Amy felt a shiver of horror run through her. She had heard of the FACELESS, but she could never have imagined such a creature. And now here he was, in front of her, demanding the pendant she had worked so hard to find.But Amy wasn't one to be intimidated. She clutched the pendant in her hand and looked up at the FACELESS. "This pendant is mine," she said in a firm voice.

 "And I won't let you take it away from me."The FACELESS smiled, a smile that wasn't a smile, but rather a twisting of space where a mouth should have been. It was the smile of a predator, a smile that said he knew he was going to win.

But Amy wasn't ready to give up. She was ready to fight for what was hers, no matter what happened next. Amy looked at the FACELESS, her heart racing. A thought crossed her mind, a thought so shocking it took her breath away. Could FACELESS be his father? She shook her head, trying to shake the thought away, but she couldn't ignore it. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together.Suddenly, everything is guessing  blurry. Amy blinked and found herself in a hospital bed.

 She had come out of the coma. Craig, the FACELESS, the mansion, all of that had never existed. It was a product of her mind, an illusion created by a disorder she had developed. This disorder, called Phantasmal Dysmorphia, is a rare condition that causes patients to believe in things that don't exist and invent lives whole. It's as if their minds are creating stories to escape reality.Amy was in shock. She had lived an entire life in his mind, a life that had never existed. But now she knew the truth. She knew she had to face reality, no matter how harsh it was.

 But as she prepared to face her new life, one question remained unanswered. If Craig never existed, then who was Amy's father? And why had her mind created FACELESS to represent him? As she was asking herself these questions, a nurse entered the room with a warm smile. "You have visitors," she said. Amy turned her head and saw a man enter the room. A man she had never seen before, but who seemed strangely familiar...The man approached Amy, his face serious. "Amy," he said, his voice soft but firm, "I'm sorry to tell you this, but you killed your family."Amy looked at him, shocked. "What ?" she stammered. "It's impossible...I could never..."The man nodded. "I know it's hard to hear," he said, "but it's the truth. You suffer from a disorder called Criminal Dissociation. It's a condition where the patient commits violent acts without realizing it. "The man approached Amy, his face serious. 

"Amy," he said, his voice soft but firm, "I'm sorry to tell you this, but you killed your family."Amy looked at him, shocked. "What ?" she stammered. "It's impossible...I could never..."The man nodded. "I know it's hard to hear," he said, "but it's the truth. You suffer from a disorder called Criminal Dissociation. It's a condition where the patient commits violent acts without realizing it. ."And then, as she struggled with this revelation, another thought crossed her mind. If she had killed her family... then who was this man in front of her? And why was he telling her all this?As she was asking herself these questions, the man stood up and walked towards the door. "I'll come back tomorrow," he said. "We still have much to discuss."And with those words, he walked out of the room, leaving Amy alone with her thoughts. She felt lost, helpless. But one thing was certain: she had to find out the truth. 

No matter what it would cost.And as she prepared to face this new challenge, one question remained unanswered. Who really was this man? And what role did he play in all this? The nurse entered the room, a warm smile on her face. "Amy," she said, "how are you feeling?"Amy looked at her, her eyes filled with confusion. "A man came to talk to me," she said. "He told me I killed my family."The nurse frowned. "Can you describe this man to me?" she asked.Amy nodded and described the man as best she could. The nurse listened attentively, then shook her head. "Amy," she said softly, "that man...he's been dead a long time. There's no way he could have spoken to you." The nurse smiled softly at her.

 "Amy," she said, "sometimes our minds play tricks on us. Maybe that's what happened."She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small object. "This," she said, handing it to Amy, "is a keepsake from your mother and father. They wanted you to have it."Amy took the object, a small silver locket. She opened it and saw a photo of her parents. A feeling of sadness invades him, but also a feeling of determination. 

She had to find out the truth.As she looked at the photo, a thought crossed her mind. If the man she saw was long dead, then who was he really? And why had her mind created it? As she was asking herself these questions, she heard a noise at the door.

 She looked up and saw a shadow appear on the threshold. A shadow that strangely resembled the man she had seen earlier...

So ends this part of Amy's story.

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