Chapter :- 06

24 17 1

Yn pov :-

I jumped when the lunch bell rang,
giving Isuel the quick excuse that I
forgot my lunch in my locker. I didn’t wait for her to offer to walk with me.
I was out the door and down the hall before she could get up from her desk.

I knew she was waiting for me to explain, but my first thought was finding somewhere to hide until lunch was over. The problem was, being new to the school, if there were any good hiding places I didn’t know where they were yet.

I decided I couldn’t hide forever, so I got my lunch out of my locker
and went to face my new friends.
When I got to the cafeteria, Isuel and Lia were already there waiting for

They were leaning towards each
other so secretively as they
whispered, that Isuel was filling Lia in on what I had said that morning.

I thought about turning around and walking back out the door, but Lia spotted me and waved. Isuel turned and saw me and began frantically motioning me to come over and sit down. Seeing no way to escape, I walked over and sat down.

“Hey guys, what’s up?”

They both looked at me like I just grew two heads. Lia let her hands drop to the table,
“Don’t be cute. Isuel said that you told her something happened last night after we left.”
“I didn’t say that exactly,”
I mumbled.

Isuel fidgeted in her chair,
“No, but you kind of sort of did.”

There was no use in trying to deny it. My one moment of carelessness put me on the spot, but I still didn’t want to be the creepy crazy girl so I
downplayed it all as much as possible.

“Look, I don’t know what I saw.”
“What do you think you saw?” Isuel asked wide-eyed.

I paused, biting my lip and trying to think of what to say and how much to say. If I said too much they would think I was insane or lying, either way they wouldn’t want anything to do with me. I couldn’t lose the only my two friends I had managed to make.

“OK, I thought I saw something,” I began.

Based on their expressions. Seeing only interest, I went on.
“It was just something in the corner of my room. One second it was there and the next it was gone.”

“What was it?” Isuel asked in amazement.

I looked around to make sure no one else was listening.

“I think it was a man.”

“Who was it?” Lia asked, one eyebrow going up in a flag of doubt.

I bit my lip again and changed my tactic.
“I don’t know. I don’t even know
if it was real. Like I said, it was there and then it wasn’t.”

I didn’t wait for either of them to respond. I gathered my things.

“I’ve got to go. I’ll see you later,

It didn’t matter where I went. I just knew I had to get away from their
questions before I said too much.

Another class was coming into the cafeteria as I was trying to squeeze out one of the doors. But suddenly, I collided with Jeongguk.

My books and papers scattered at his feet.

“Oh God, I’m sorry,” I stammered, kneeling down to collect my things.

He smiled with perfectly straight and white  bunny teeth,
“I ran into you and you’re apologizing?”

I sensed myself blushing and felt like a stupid little girl for being thrilled that the school heartthrob  was speaking to me and kneeling in the floor with me.

“I should’ve watched where I was going.”
“Are you always this hard on yourself?”

He asked, apparently oblivious to my agony. He just kept smiling.

“You’re that new girl, aren’t you"?

We stood as he handed me  my notes and papers.

“Yeah, I'm yn...”
“Well ynn,” Jeongguk said with another bunny smile.
“I’ll see you in History class.”

He said and leave. I hated myself, but I couldn’t help but stare after him. He glanced back at me one more time with the beautiful smile.

Before going to History class, I did something I had never done before. I went into the restroom to check my appearance. It was still just my same old face looking back at me, but now there was an excited flush to my cheeks.

Unfortunately, Eunseo also decided to visit that bathroom mirror before class. She walked in and edged her way in beside me, applying her red lip gloss and eyeing me in the mirror.

“You are so pathetic,” She said with a giggle.
“Getting yourself all worked up over Jeongguk, huh?.”
Ashley gave me an insincere smile, blew a kiss to her reflection and left
me there.

I smoothed my hair, but had no lip gloss, so I scowled at my image and
headed toward class.

As I walked down the hall toward class, I couldn’t help wishing my life was one of those feel good teenage movies where the perfect heartthrob falls for the new girl no one knows, then there’s the magical kiss, some sort of happy song, and then the names of the real people would scroll up the screen.

It's  too much, right?

I walked with more confidence, fully wrapped up in my fantasies. I held my breath as I walked through the door. Jeongguk wasn’t there yet.

I let outa relieved sigh and went to my seat. My heart was pounding in my ears. I tried to focus on calming down and slowing my racing pulse, so grateful he wasn’t there yet. I could feel the hot blood in my cheeks. I closed my eyes and tried to take measured, even
breaths. I heard movement in the desk in front of me. I slowly opened my eyes.

There right in front of me was Jeongguk.

He was turned slightly, talking to the girl in the desk to his left. I didn’t
remember her name from yesterday, but I immediately envied her for his
attention. His picture perfect face was open and friendly with a slight smile on his perfect lips. His  hair waved just enough, making him look
more like a walking model for hair products than an ordinary high school student.

I tried to focus on lecture, but
my thoughts were everywhere. I couldn’t look to the front of the room where he was writing on the blackboard without getting distracted by the
perfection of Jeongguk.

When my admiration was cut short by the bell, Jeongguk left without ever once noticing me.

I passed him twice more in the hall that day. The first time he walked by
without so much as a glance over to me, but oh that second time. It was
right after the last class and people were in a hurry to get out of there as
soon as possible and on to whatever activities school had interrupted..


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