By the Diamond Spray Delta

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"Egret! Copper!" A voice called over the rocks. "Come on!"

"We're coming!" Copper shouted back. The wingless maroon dragonet hopped into view over the hill, sprinting towards his mother. His twin sister ran behind him, her pale red wings folded. Egret could fly to her mother, but she wouldn't leave Copper behind. He was faster when they were running anyway. He was slim and way taller than her. She was fairly short but she didn't mind. 

When they reached their mother, she smiled at them. "You've got mud all over you!" The twins grinned. They had been roughhousing. Peril sighed and shook her head, still smiling. Living in the delta had been a great choice for the dragonets, given how muddy it was. It was technically in the Sky Kingdom, so Peril was happy. She would have followed Clay anywhere, though. The twins loved living in the Diamond Spray Delta. They spent all day splashing and playing and running through the shallow river banks and islands. But today they had to take a break early. Their parents were teaching them how to catch their own dinner. "Ready?" Peril asked. The twins nodded. 

"DAAAAD!" Copper called. "COME ON!" Copper was brave and playful. He was also the most hilarious person their whole family knew. He always made them laugh. Egret was a sweet, patient dragonet who put care into everything. 

Clay heard his son's voice and realized it was time. He flew as fast as he could from the cave where they lived in the rocks. "Coming!" He was so excited to teach his dragonets how to hunt.

When he reached them, he said, "Let's do this."

They carefully padded through the sparse trees on the west side of the Diamond Spray River. 

"There are lots of animals who live here. We're near the Claws of the Clouds, so some animals like Hares and Foxes reside here," Clay explained to his children quietly. "It's easy to lose them because of their speed, so the pounce is important. I'll demonstrate." 

Clay took a deep but silent breath, flattened himself then jumped, landing on a fern cluster and flattening it. 

"Wow, Clay. Those ferns will never question your authority again." Peril commented matter-of-factly. 

Egret and her mother stifled giggles. Clay slowly picked up a clump of soil and chucked it lightly at Peril. She looked down at her wing, where it had struck, and was trickling down, smoldering against her firescales. Then she looked slowly looked up at Clay. With a deadpan expression on her snout she said, "Oh. It's on." 

And then all hell broke loose. Peril threw dirt back at Clay and Copper pulled Egret behind a large boulder. They did their secret handshake quickly, making an alliance. They gathered as much dirt as they could in their arms and looked at each other. They nodded at the same time and leapt over the boulder, yelling. They pelted their parents and lept onto their backs, Egret on Clay and Copper on Peril. They were shaken to the ground in moments. The twins lay in the damp soil, laughing uncontrollably. Their parents collapsed too. 

The family of 4 lay there, laughing and dirt covered. 

They may be odd, Peril thought to herself. But they're my family. And I love them more than anything else in the world. 

Apologies for the short part!!! im trying to evenly show all the ships

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