The Return

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Tidepool wandered through the streets of the Possibility. He lived in Possibility in the summer with his moms but when Sunny went to Jade Mountain last year when he was a small dragonet, his mom Mirage took him to a hut by the west Sand Kingdom so she could be near the ocean. For most of the year, the Seawing part of her was satisfied with the river by Possibility but she still loved the ocean. He was wondering, as he walked, if he would go to JMA this year. He knew his Mom's friend Starflight's daughter, Asteroid, was going. And Tsunami's dragonet Neptune. Glory was thinking about sending Moonflower. Clay and Peril were sending their twins, Egret and Copper. Tidepool didn't know who these dragonets were, but he had tried to picture them. He didn't have many friends in the Sand Kingdom. 

Well, none. He had no friends. But he was content. His daily routine went like this: Wake up, clean off in the river, walk around to find food, and try and help someone, sketch, meet his moms, have dinner, nighttime fly or swim, sleep. He wanted to go to Jade Mountain Acadamy, though. Meet new dragons. Learn about diversity and culture. The school year started in a week, and he was excited. It would help him know more about his dream, of a new city like Possibility. 

Tidepool knew there were hungry dragons in Possibility. Few, but they still existed. Possibility was a great place, but he also knew there needed to be more places like it, in other kingdoms. That's what he wanted to do when he was his moms' age. Build more towns. Have more peace between the tribes. All he wanted to do was help dragons. No one knew except his moms, but they didn't even see much of his sketches. 

He handed a small, thin, tired looking dragonet his chicken. "Here you go," he said kindly. He also handed her a basket of herbs and medicine. 

"Th-thanks..." the dragonet scampered off. Tidepool sat down on a rock by the river, and dipped his barbed tail in. The cool, clear water rushed over it. He pulled out his sketchbook from his leather bag slung over his torso, and flipped past sketches of hungry dragons and the river and the ocean and cities to the one he had been working on recently. A joint city for Sandwings and Icewings. It sounded crazy, but it was his biggest dream. It would mean peace. It would be south of the great ice wall but a bit more north than possibility. There would be ice pools and traditional Icewing huts, and snow, but fireplaces and warm huts for Sandwings, with piles of Sand brought in from the south. Both cultures would go out and hunt and bring their own cuisine to share. The two tribes could learn from each other. And it would be called 'Union'. 

Of course, all other tribes would be welcome, to come share and learn. He knew he would build Union one day. He started by helping his town, Possibility. 

He sketched Union, of dragons of Ice and Sand mingling around a fire and laughing. He shut his sketchbook and stood up, shaking off his wet tail barb. He put his sketchbook back in his bag and walked back towards his hut. It was the north area of Possibility, where there were two trees. Just two, but still rare for the desert. They made good shade to sketch under. 

He was thinking about how he was going to get both his moms (Mirage was the north possibility doctor, and Sunny was already planning for JMA) to stop working and come swim with him when he heard a scream coming from behind him. He whipped around and ran towards where he heard it. The area was deserted, a side street, which was weird, because Possibility was always very busy this time of day. But it was just him. "Hello?" He called. "What"s wrong?"

Silence. "Is anyone there? Do you need he-"

BOOM!  A loud  and powerful explosion knocked Tidepool back. He crashed into a several fruit carts. Right before he fell unconscious, he saw a face. He gasped. 

"No! It can't be!" He groaned, then passed out.

1 hour earlier...

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