fourteen. train

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{fourteen. train}

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"Well this is quaint."

Tony follows Natasha into her room, Bruce right behind.

"I'll give you guys blankets to sleep on the floor."

She walks to her closet and opens it aggressively, the sounds of it hitting the wall echo through the room.

"What is your deal?" Tony crosses his arms as Bruce closes the front door. "We're just doing what we planned literally as you were teleported away."

"You just waltzed in here and ruined my life as always." She pulls blankets out of the closet and holds them.

"Get a grip." He practically spits at she aggressively throws a blanket at him.

"Can you two calm down??" Bruce holds out his hands to deescalate. "You guys have both had some crazy experiences here. Natasha more than you, Tony, so chill out for a second."

"Thank you Bruce," Natasha turns to him. "you've always been my favorite

He shrugs his shoulders.

"You mentioned a ring." Natasha changes the subject, still only focusing on Bruce. "What.. what do you mean by that?"

"It's how we're all going to get home." He holds out his hand showing Natasha. "We've been working day and night on this, ever since you've left."

She looks up to him, and then glances over to Tony.

"Yes, believe it or not I have been devoting my very precious days to figuring this out."

"How is everyone back home?" She crosses her arms with Bruce's blanket draped over her left.

"Concerned." He nods.

"Clint wants his best friend back." Tony puts his hands in his pockets.

Bruce leans into his hip, messing with the buttons on his shirt. "Thor actually helped test these rings with the tesseract. He traveled back here and saw you."

"He did?" Natasha relaxes her shoulders.

"Yeah. It's how we figured out that the ring is a solution to the whole time travel problem."

Bruce continues to fidget as Tony walks over to Natasha's bed and sits on it.

"Steve.." He messes with her duvet while Natasha just stares.

"He's been very concerned about you. He's upset and scared and worried. You should have seen how he acted when you first disappeared."

"He pinned Tony to a wall." Bruce smirks over to Tony.

"What?" Natasha furrows her eyebrows. "That's very unlike him."

"Well, he was pissed." Tony shrugs. "I would be too if..." He trails off leaving Natasha to finish the sentence herself.

"So you're seriously going out and helping the boys?" Bruce turns his attention back to Natasha who's just looking out her window.

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