seventeen. timeless

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{seventeen. timeless}

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After a few seconds of bright light and loud whirring, everything goes quiet.

When Natasha opens her eyes, she's not in an old 1940's airplane hanger anymore, instead she's in a new modern science lab.

She's back home.

As she stands up she recognizes the black tank top and gray sweatpants she was wearing from when she first disappeared a month ago. And, when she glances at her reflection in the glass of the time machine, she notices that she has her old bright red hair back.

"Natasha?" Bruce calls from somewhere in the lab making her turn around before she can study herself more.

"I'm here!" She shouts and is followed by some crashing metal to her left.

"I'm okay!" Tony raises his hand and then stands up.

The three of them meet in the center of the lab, much like they had the day Natasha went away.

"Is everything here? We're all in one piece?" Bruce looks everyone up and down.

"You're telling me this actually worked??" Tony scoffs in a surprised way.

The two science bros hug and Natasha smiles. As much as she did like the forties, she belonged here, with these people.

"We've got to call the others." Bruce pulls out his phone and texts the group chat.

Natasha takes a deep breath. She realizes that she's about to see Steve again, but it will be totally different than what it was like back in the forties. He has no recollection of the events that took place and he genuinely doesn't think of Natasha as anything more than just a friend.

The feeling here is just... different. There's no 'what if?' with Steve, it's just friendship. Unlike what she accidentally set up in the past.

The ding of Tony's phone means the text to the group chat was sent and within a second Thor is running into the room.

"NATASHA!!" He runs up and gives her the biggest hug.

"I missed you Thor." She smiles as they pull apart, revealing Clint standing at the entrance of the room.

"She's really back." Clint smiles and Natasha nods.

"You didn't think I'd leave forever did you?" She smirks while Clint makes his way up to her.

"No, I knew you'd come back." The two of them hug, him spinning Natasha around so her back is to the door.

"This has been the craziest month of my life." She backs off, crossing her arms.

"We need to hear every detail!" Thor raises his hand in intrigue.

"I'll do a little recap in a bit. I need to adjust to all of this." She looks around.

"Imagine not having all of this tech." Clint gestures to his phone and everything else around them.

"It was difficult." She nods

"I know."

Natasha freezes in place.

Timeless | romanogersWhere stories live. Discover now