Chapter 2

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Chapter 2  

As they spent more time together, Keerat and Veer's bond grew stronger, transcending the boundaries of their respective worlds. They discovered a shared love for art, music, and the raw expression of emotion, finding solace and joy in each other's company. 

But their budding romance was not without its challenges. Keerat's rigorous training schedule and Veer's demanding tour commitments often kept them apart for long stretches of time. Despite the distance, they remained steadfast in their love, finding ways to stay connected through phone calls, texts, and video chats. 

As they spent more time together, Veer and Keerat realized that they had more in common than they had initially thought. They shared a love for Punjabi culture, food, and music, and they found solace in each other's company.

Despite their growing feelings for each other, Veer and Keerat knew that their relationship would face challenges. The world couldn't understand their bond, questioning how a famous singer and a wrestler could find common ground. But Veer and Keerat knew that their love was stronger than any judgment or prejudice. 

They were walking in the park one day when one Veer's Fangirls made a snarky comment. 

Fangirl: Veer,you should be with me,I'm a proper girl.I mean look at her,she acts  and dresses like a man. 

Keerat was about to give the girl an earful but Veer interrupted. 

Veer: Don't you EVER talk about my girlfriend like that,I fell in love with her kind nature and not her looks so back off. 


Veer: (stepping forward, the spotlight shining down on him) "Ladies and gentlemen, before I continue with my next song, I have something special I want to share."

Audience: (cheers and applause)

Veer: (takes a deep breath, looking into Keerat's eyes) "Keerat, you've been my inspiration, my strength, and my love. And tonight, in front of all these wonderful people, I want to ask you something..."

Keerat: (surprised, her heart racing)

Veer: (kneels down on one knee) "Keerat, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

Audience: (collective gasp, followed by cheers and applause)

Keerat: (tears welling up in her eyes) "Yes, Veer! Yes, a thousand times yes!"

Veer: ( "I love you, Keerat. Forever and always."

Audience: (cheers, applause, and whistles fill the air as Veer and Keerat share a tender kiss on stage, surrounded by the love and support of their fans)

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