Ch. 8: Buttercup Words

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     On the horizon, there came a small dark splotch. Lienna sighted it first, scrambling up on the cart next to Tariel for a better view.

     "I see a caravan over there. In the northeast." Lienna said, pointing towards the image.

     "How in the Hells can you tell it's a caravan?" Tariel asked, giving her some side eye.

     "Because I ate a lot of carrots in my youth." Lienna replied sarcastically. "It's moving towards us. I think."

     "Be on your guards then." Andraste added as she summoned her weapons. Tariel thumbed the rapier at his side.

     "But if it's a caravan... do you think?" Hafsa asked, turning to Granik, "The Calicos?"

     "Better them than devils." Granik said.

     "Calicos?" Lienna asked enthusiastically, "Oh, I've always wanted to meet some! I hope it's them. Ahhh!"

     "Who are they?" Andraste asked.

     "A band of peddlers." Granik said, "Harmless. Mostly. As long as you don't cross them."

     "I've heard stories about them!" Lienna said, "Gaaah! I want to meet them so badly! Hurry up, let's go see if you're right!"

     "Ugh." Tariel lamented, "If it's one thing we don't need it's their useless shit. I suggest we avoid them."

     "Useless?" Lienna retorted, "Information is hardly useless."

     "Yes, but I don't want to buy a godsdamned beeswax candle shaped like an illithid in order to get my news!" Tariel replied, "No thank you, a rag is good enough for me." Lienna rolled her eyes.

     "Aw, but why not?" Nunzio teased, "One man's trash is another man's treasure as they say."

     "Except when I'm buying literal trash." Tariel turned to Hafsa, "Let's avoid them. Please. The invalid is begging you."

     "It seems to me that Tariel paid a little too much for something one time." Lienna said with a laugh, "Just because you don't know how to schmooze, doesn't mean the rest of us can't."

     "Fine." Tariel said throwing up his hands, "But when they sell you a literal pot to piss in for 800 gold, don't say I didn't warn you." Hafsa and Granik shared a look with each other.

     "It wouldn't be a bad idea to see if they know anything about the devils." Granik said. Hafsa nodded.

     "Ah!" Tariel whined, collapsing backwards on the cart.

     "Looks like you've been out voted." Lienna said with a sweet jeering smile aimed at the man. She laughed at his displeasure.  


     The canvas of the covered wagon swayed with the gait of the lumbering bull-like animal at its front. The animal had thick horns like a water buffalo and yellow gold eyes. A human man sat behind the rothe, greying at the temples and lines folding around his mouth and eyes. He held the reins and a whip that lolled absently by his hip. The sound of hooves gaining behind his cart caused him to rouse slightly and turn to the sound. An olive-green skinned youth with sharp delicate features rode up astride him on a piebald horse.

     "A party is approaching to our southwest," they said, "I can't make them out well. But I guess about 6 people." The older man nodded.

     "Mirek!" He called. A tall dark-haired elf stumbled out from the back of the wagon. "Brin says there's a party to the southwest. Can you make them out?" The elf strode forward and took a seat next to the man, peering in the direction indicated. The dryad atop the horse kept pace with the wagon as well, waiting for a signal from the older man. They continued to look towards the smudgy party as well, hoping the proximity might aid their sight. The elf named Mirek nodded and pointed to the party. A blonde-haired young woman popped her head out from the back of the wagon now too.

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