I Am My Mom

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[Open Int. Beach House]

(Following the events in Are You My Dad?, Steven regained consciousness)

Y/N: Morning Sleepy-Head

Steven: Y/N, What happened, It feels like I was knocked into a tree

Y/N: That's because that's actually what happend

Steven: *Connie* We have to-

(Steven groans)

Y/N: Easy there, Let's just tell the Gems what happend

Steven: Okay

(You and Steven make your way over to the temple, Steven then quickly announces the latest crisis to the Crystal Gems at his home.)

Steven: This is an emergency!

Pearl: Why is Homeworld stealing humans from the boardwalk?

Steven: I don't know, but they're only taking my friends! They even got Connie! 

Y/N: And if we don't act fast, they'll be on a one way trip to space

Amethyst: And our spaceship got jacked, so if they leave Earth...

Garnet: They'll be gone for good.

Amethyst: Ugh! Who were these guys?

Steven: That little Gem I saw before, her name's Aquamarine.

Pearl: What?!

Y/N: And she had this big fusion, Topaz

Pearl: A Topaz fusion... And an Aquamarine?

Amethyst: Are they a big deal?

Pearl: Uhh, yes! Blue and Yellow Diamond must have sent them personally.

Y/N: The Diamonds, Of course it had to be them

Steven: Oh no! They must be collecting more humans for the zoo!

Amethyst: But there's loads of humans on Earth. Why are they only grabbing your friends?

Steven: Maybe... Because my friends are the best!

Y/N: Or Maybe, Wait

(You grab Steven shoulders)

Y/N: Steven, Remember when we found a shit-ton of those Marble Bots?

Steven: Yeah?

Y/N: And remember when we met Peridot?

Steven: Actually, Wait, I-

(When Steven's phone starts buzzing.)

Steven: *gasps* It's from Connie! I know where they are!

[Trans. Int. Beach City Funland]

(A photo is sent to Steven's phone, revealing the entrance of Funland, You and the Crystal Gems head there immediately.)

Garnet: Stay alert. They could be anywhere.

Amethyst: Did Connie send you any more pictures?

Steven: No, nothing.

Pearl: We know they're here somewhere.

(The Gems run on ahead, leaving You and Steven behind, as Steven begins whisper-yelling for his friends.)

Steven: Connie? Lars? Sadie? Onion?

Y/N: How come their going after them, They didn't trash their stuff

(Steven tries calling Connie's cellphone, and Connie's ringtone is heard in the distance. )

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