The Trial

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(You groan, You then wake up in a room, finding out that you're alone)

Y/N: What happened?

(You then remember, You getting merged in Topaz with Steven and Lars, Topaz almost close to destablizing Aquamarine, and You getting carried off along with Steven and Lars)

Y/N: Oh Right, Aquamarine, When find her I'm gonna-

???: Quiet in there!!

Y/N: Huh? 

(You put you ear up to a wall)

Y/N: Hey, Where am I,  Where are my friends

???: Those will be awnsered shortly, Trust me, now if you'll excuse me I have a defendent to tend to

Y/N: Defendent, What are you talking about, What do you mean by "defendent"?

(You hear footsteps walking away from you)

Y/N: Hey, Wait, Come back!!!

(The sound of the footsteps died down)

Y/N: Damn it

(You lie down)

Y/N: I just hope Steven and Lars are safe

(Steven is seen alone in a room, as he begins to speak to himself out loud.)

Steven: I know my mom did something bad. Whatever Homeworld has in store for me... I'm ready!

(Silence in the room ensues.)

Steven: I said, I'm ready! It's me, Rose Quartz! Hello? Anybody? Lars? You there? Is this the punishment? Come on! I know it's going to be worse than this! So whatever you're going to do... Would you just do it already?

(Steven slumps against a wall in the room in misery, when a door opens in the wall and a blue Gem walks in, with panels floating around her and appearing extremely nervous.

(Steven slumps against a wall in the room in misery, when a door opens in the wall and a blue Gem walks in, with panels floating around her and appearing extremely nervous

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???: This is ridiculous! 4,000 years of loyal service to the court, and this is what I get? Oh, I'm the unluckiest Zircon in the galaxy!

(Steven tries to run out of the door the Zircon entered from, but it closes before he can reach it. He then turns towards the Zircon, who gasps in surprise as she notices him.)

Zircon (Defense): Wait, are you... Rose Quartz?

Steven: Yeah...

Zircon (D): ...Really?

Steven: It's a long story.

Zircon (D): Then I don't have time for it! Ugh! We only have this brief moment to prepare your case.

Steven: Case?

Zircon (D): Ugh! Who am I kidding? This is pointless! We've all heard the rumors about the demise of Pink Diamond, but I can't believe these files-* scrolls through the floating panels* Shattered by one of her own soldiers- Ugh! In front of her entire entourage!? *turns to Steven* And look at you now! That ridiculous disguise is only going to make you look more guilty! *curls up in fear*

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