Ch-2: Meeting Theodore

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I didn't know what normal, casual dinner attire was. Neither did I have any friends to consult with. But after an hour of scouring the internet for some insight I finally decided upon a classic- jeans and a top.

You couldn't go wrong with that, right?

There was no part of me didn't hope for a new friend and a good dinner. Maybe my loneliness was getting to me.

The drive to Kaiser's house wasn't very long, considering there wasn't much traffic in the only main road I had to use. He lived in a compact, calm neighbourhood. I loved the place already.

I took one last deep breath, clutching the strap of my sling bag before I rang the bell, an unfamiliar man with glasses opened the door.

"You must be Astrella, come in!" he smiled at me, pushing the ladle he held behind his back, out of my line of sight.

Once I make it to the living room, he leans over the staircase and calls out snippily, "Koa! She's here! Get you lazy ass down!"

Heavy footsteps thud down the stairs, and Kaiser's bulky frame was now in my line of sight. And god, was he tall. I think he had a good nine inches on me, or more.

"Hi," he said, I waved back with a small smile, repeating his greeting awkwardly.

Before he can speak, "Koa, stop being a loser and get your ass in the kitchen." the other man snips before he exits the room. I stifle a laugh.

"Come along," Kaiser says, taking me to the kitchen with him.

I realize I could fall asleep to his voice anywhere, anytime.

The smell of food invaded my senses even before I stepped foot in the kitchen, and it smelt delicious. I would have drooled if I had no self-control, which may not last much longer.

"That smells amazing," I blurt out before I have a chance to think.

"Thank you," the unfamiliar man grins at me.

I realized I didn't know his name, so I start off by introducing myself, "I'm Astrella," I smile.

"I know," he tells me, grinding the salt over the food.

Right. He called me by my name when I entered.

"I'm Theodore, you can call me Theo," he adds.

"It's nice to meet you Theo," I beam at him.

"Koa stop being useless," Theo's smile melts when he turns to Kaiser.

"Stop being an asshole,"

Theo mocks him, and the food is momentarily left forgotten when Kaiser smacks Theo with the spatula on the counter.

I burst out into fits of laughter, my anxiety and nervousness of the unlikely dinner invite melting off instantly.

I tried asking if I could help cooking, but Theo had shut down my attempts even before I could finish my sentence. The pair had placed plates of steaming food on the dining table despite all the bickering.

I gaped at the amount of food on the table, there's no way they made so much just because I was here, "I really hope I'm not imposing," I mutter, apologetically.

"Nonsense Astrella, I love to cook, plus, Koa's basically a pig," Theo waves off, urging me to dig in.

When I took the first bite, I all but moaned, my cheeks heated when I realized the sound that escaped me.

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