Ch:5- Ace of Spades

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The kiss was ingrained in my brain. Like someone fucking lasered it into my memory. Permanently.


Without warning, Astrella pulls me down and kisses me. Her hair was a mess, crazed because of the wind that blew it around. 

She took one step closer, pulling back only to grin at me before kissing me again, but this time it wasn't her who brought our lips together.

It was me.

I pull all of her hair into my hands and hold it at the back of her head as I kiss her back with as much fervor as she did.

Her skincare routine must really be paying off since her lips were ridiculously soft, I didn't even know lips could be soft, but then again, I had never kissed anyone before her. Even her skin was soft. Her hair too. She was just soft. 

I grab her by the waist and pin her against the railing of the balcony, still kissing her, her legs stumble with those big ass heels of hers but I manage to hold her upright. Her dress did nothing to cover her from the cold, but I doubt she cared right now, I could practically feel her skin through the material. 

I could feel the dip of her hips and the curve of her waist. She fit perfectly in my hands, and god forbid, I liked it more than I should. 

I pulled away when a small sound escapes her. Fuck, what was I doing? 

Astrella does the opposite, she leans into me. I take a step back thoughtlessly and she stumbles forward, having no balance of her own. My arm shoots out to catch her before she faceplants onto the floor,"Let's get you home," I mumble, and she giggles, "You can't,"

I furrow my brows at her, "Why not?"

"You don't know where I live," she says cheekily.

I shrug, "That's no problem, I have a spare room."

Her eyes droop in disappointment, "But I don't wanna leave," she slurs.

"Too bad, Astrella, you don't have a choice,"

"Yes, I do, I'm staying," she sticks her tongue out at me and puts her foot down. Literally puts her foot down. 

I give her a look, pinching the bridge of my nose "Really?"

She huffs out haughtily, "Suit yourself," I shrug, turning to walk away, in an instant, she grabs my hand, "You can't leave me alone, I'm drunk."

"You want to stay, I don't, you should be fine right?" I shrug, holding back a smile at the kitten glare she gives me.

"You shouldn't leave me alone," she raises a finger at me, rather, a finger that's supposed to be at me, she points somewhere behind instead. I hold back my laughter. 

"But you want to stay." I shrug again.

"No, I don't," she huffs.

"You were just being-"

"I don't!" she exclaims, "We can leave! ," she glares at me. 

She's adorable. 

"Come on then," I try to help her walk but she was very insistent that she could do it herself.

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