Ch-6: Clover

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At this point, I was sure Kaiser knew about my crush on him. As soon as he opened the door, I didn't even bother trying to hide the fact that I was staring.

He calls my name about seven times before I reply, and even that was a subconscious reply, I didn't even know what I said.  I was more focused on the outline of Kaiser's muscles through his shirt. 

If I spilt soda on it, he'd have to take it off- I shook my head violently to kick the thought away. What the hell was I thinking?

"Astrella? Is something wrong? You don't want to go?"

"No! What? I do!"

"You keep spacing out," Kaiser points out, leaning against the doorframe.

My cheeks flush, "I'm sorry, I- got distracted," I admit.

"By what?"

The flush deepens, and my eyes wander, "Theo!" I exclaim, when my eyes catch his.

"Theo? You got distracted by Theo?" Kaiser says before he turns back to glower at Theo, "The fuck did you do?" he says accusingly.

"Why do you always blame me?" Theo whines.

"Who else makes trouble over here?" Kaiser deadpans.

"Nice top Ella," Theo winks from behind Kaiser, once I step inside.

His attention shifts to my shirt, he stares at me for a while, "It's pretty." he says.

The compliment sizzles through me like hot cocoa on a snowy day, "Thank you," I say bashfully.

"Aren't you getting late?" Theo points out, giving Kaiser a look.

"It's not like you have anyone to fuck that you want us out so bad." Kaiser jabs. 

Theo scrunches his face in disgust, "I could power wash your mind and it'd still be filthy."

Kaiser grins at him, I couldn't help but admire how fucking beautiful his smile is. Over the past weeks I gathered that smiling wasn't something he did easily. And a genuine one was even rarer. It made me want to freeze time so I could stare at his smile forever.

"Let's go Astrella," Kaiser pulls me out to my own car as Theo yells out something and Kaiser glares at him over his shoulder. I didn't hear what he said obviously, I was too distracted with Kaiser's hold on my wrist.

I was on edge while driving; I couldn't focus on driving with Kaiser's presence being so close to me because I was scared I'd crash the car.

And if I gave him my attention I was pretty sure I'd drive us to our deaths. 

He held my hand when we walked into the theatre and when we bought food, all because I had slipped away from him for five minutes when we first entered the mall.

I was on cloud flipping nine.

We walked into the theatre with Kaiser holding my hand with his left hand and balancing the tray with all of our food on the other, what was impressive was that he made it look so easy. If I did that, the food would have been on the ground, and I would have fallen on it.

The movie hadn't started yet. 

"Why hasn't it started yet?" I mutter. 

"I don't know. Are we early?" Kaiser asks me. 

We weren't.

If anything, we were ten minutes late because I got sidetracked by perfumes. And then plushies that were on sale.  Kaiser didn't seem to have complaints with it because he only stood back watching me gush over the stuffed toys. 

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